Wargus is a Warcraft 2 mod that allows you to play Warcraft 2 with the Stratagus engine. The game looks and sounds exactly like Warcraft 2. The gameplay is very close to Warcraft 2's gameplay, with slight enhancements more similar to Starcraft. You can find more details on Wargus and on how to install it under Linux and Windows at stratagus.com. For macOS you can download an artifact from Github Actions.
In order to play Wargus on macOS you first need to extract the game data from your Warcraft 2 installer. The built-in extractor tool is currently not working correctly, but you can use
this third-party script for now.
Run the script in the same folder as your game data and the Wargus app.
It will not be needed in the future when all the bugs are fixed.
To help with translations, visit these pages:
- Engine strings: https://poeditor.com/join/project?hash=BVo8MAZuys
- Game strings: https://poeditor.com/join/project?hash=7myZPTmcqq