This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
The back-end consists of an API that receives a message and answers it with data from a database. The database is composed of three tables, to know, one for user data, one for instructors data, and one for classes.
- name
- password_digest
- name
- trainingType
- gymName
- instImage - Instructor's image
- gymImage - Dragon's image
- classTime
- gym_instructor_id
- status - Boolean (not used)
- user_id
Base URL:
- GET - to receive an object with all users
- POST - to create a new user - with parameters:
- name
- password
- password_confirmation
- PATCH - to edit a user - with parameters:
- name
- password
- password_confirmation
- GET - to receive a specific user's data
- DELETE - to delete a user
- GET - to check login parameters - with parameters:
- password
- GET - to receive an object with all users
- POST - to create a new instructor - with parameters:
- name
- instImage
- gymName
- trainingType
- gymImage
- GET - to receive a specific instructor's data
- GET - to receive an object with all the classes
- POST - to create a new class - with parameters:
- instructor_id
- user_id
- classTime
- status
- DELETE - to delete a specific class
To use this API locally, follow the steps:
- Download the repository as zip
- Extract the data
- Open your terminal and navigate to repository's folder
- Run:
- Bundle install
- Rails db:create
- Rails db:migrate
- Rails db:seed
- Rails server
To create this project I used:
- Ruby on Rails
- bcrypt gem
- Heroku
- Postgresql
- rspec
Author: Wilfried Canirinka
Follow me on Twitter, visit my Github portfolio, my Linkedin.
I have no business rights about the characters used in this API. This is only for learning purposes.