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Release Maintened

Maintened Maintened

Maintened Maintened


This is my CI/CD base workflow for go micro-services in kubernetes.

The Gitflow



In your development process, you must strictly distinguish between Features, Fixes and Hot Fixes.

  • Features, Fixes - are patches, which can wait until the next release of the product. This is why they travail starting from private feature branches ---> the central dev branch ---> the central release branch ---> the central master
  • Hot Fixes - are the patches, which can't wait and must be applied directly on a release version of the product. This is why they have completely different path: a new private branch from the given tag on the central master ---> central master.


There are only a few long term branches - master and dev. All other branches should be deleted as soon as their commits are merged into the master or you don't need them.

Use the following command to find out branches, which a merged into the mainrepo/master:

master/main branch

Contains all the stable, released code.

  • All released versions of all modules should be tagged in the master.
  • No separate branches for the released versions.
  • The master branch is ready to build at any moment.
  • No development should be performed on the master branch directly.
  • No direct push to master
  • The master branch rolls only forward, no history changes are allowed on the master branch.
  • All new patches are introduced in the master branch only via "git merge --ff-only".

dev branch

  • The branch is inherited from the latest master.
  • The dev branch is a development mainstream.
  • For each feature, developers MUST create a separate branch feature inherited from the dev branch.
  • Should be rebased from the master each time master is changed.

rc branch

RC or ReleaseCandidate branch is a temporary branch. This branch intends to provide uninterruptible development - to avoid such mails like "Please do not commit..., we freeze a branch" :).

At the moment of a release, we can branch from dev to create an RC branch to start a release procedure. It also means feature freeze on the RC branch and only bug fixes can be introduced on it - no commits with new features.

While a release manager works on the RC branch, all developers continue developing in dev and in their feature branches - uninterruptible development.

The branch should be deleted as soon as it has been merged with the master. Once the RC branch is merged into the master, the dev branch should be rebased from the master. The rebases might require a parent commit change, if git is not able to rebase automatically.

HotFix branch

It is a branch for hot fixes. It should contain only urgent hot fixes for the released versions, which can't wait until the next scheduled release of the product.

Once a hot fix is merged back in to the master, the dev branch should be rebased from the master to get new changes.

The branch should be deleted as soon as merged with the master.

Feature/Bugfix/Support branches

Development Feature/Bugfix/Support should have at least one branch. Such branches must be rebased to dev as often as possible to simplify future merging.

Rebasing is important to keep new commits together for possible tuning or squashing in the feature.

Whenever a feature is ready (or a stable part of the feature) it can be merged with the dev branch.

It is recommended to keep feature branches even after their merge with dev. It will simplify fine tuning in case if the feature represented by the branch will be reverted from the dev for additional development or fixes/corrections.

Feature branches should be deleted as soon as their commits are merged into the master via the dev branch.

The Gitflow git plugin


sudo apt install git-flow


To configure git-flow in the project, execute git-flow init -d into the git repository.

Create feature/bugfix/support branch

  # Replace feature with bugfix or support
  git flow feature start <name>
  git flow release finish <name>

The Github workflow




You need to declare this secrets into git settings

Secret Name Example Description
DOCKER_REGISTRY The Docker Registry domain
DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN vr00mm The Docker Registry username
DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME MySuperPasword The Docker Registry password
HELM_REGISTRY_PASSWORD vr00mm Helm Repo username
HELM_REGISTRY_USERNAME MySuperPasword Helm Repo password
KUBECONFIG object{} Kubeconfig Content

Workflow Jobs

Get Infos

This job determine some informations from github and share it with other jobs throught github outputs

Its determine the current and next app and chart version based on existing tags.

Print Infos

Log the informations of the last job into console


Use golintci to lint the golang application.

Helm Lint

Use helm to lint the helm chart.

Build Container Image

This job build the container image.

It build the application in dedicated builder and delivery a distroless container
It push this container to docker registry based on secret configuration

Package Helm Chart

This job package the helm chart
Its template the chart for a first level of check. It set the appVersion based on docker image version and chartVersion from getInfos outputs

Deploy dry-run

Its try to deploy the packaged charts into the kubernetes cluster in dry-run Its permit to check the compatibility with the server


Its release the binary if we are on a tag branch


Its deploy the Helm chart into kubernetes

The incoming

  • refacto semver plugin to deal with chart and app
  • add chart documentation auto-generation
  • improve workflow to get conditionnal docker / helm / deployment depending of commit destination / current branch/tag or project variable
  • improve workflow to deal with multiple cluster / deployment depending of current branch (ex dev, prod, internal-prod)