JSON interface library for HTTP, Web Sockets, Sockets and any other interfaces.
npm i node-reqs
HTTP Server code example:
const Reqs = require('node-reqs')
const express = require('express')
const httpPort = 3000
const host = 'localhost'
const api = new Reqs({
events: {
cbPing: function(time, cb) {
var now = Date.now()
// throw new Error 'cbPing example error'
return cb(now - time, now)
syncPing: function(time) {
var now = Date.now()
// throw new Error 'syncPing example error'
return this.methods.pong(now - time, now)
asyncPing: function(time) {
var now = Date.now()
// throw new Error 'asyncPing example error'
return [now - time, now]
methods: ['pong'],
// send function is used for sending compiled and encoded requests to client
send: function(data) { return data },
// error function is for processing error
error: function(message, code) {
// Send error to client
return this.sendError(message, code)
// Session creation options
session: {
// Arguments for sessions constructor:
// arguments: ['arg1', 'arg2']
// ->
// var session = api.new('arg1', 'arg2') // Create new session. Session is linked to 'api' object and can use all methods available in 'api' object.
// session.arg1 === 'arg1'
// session.arg2 === 'arg2'
arguments: ['res']
// Short key option for default coder:
key: 'example key'
const app = express()
app.post('/api', function(req, res) {
var data = ''
req.on('data', function(chunk) { return data += chunk })
req.on('end', function() {
console.log('<== Incoming request:', data)
var session = srv.api.new(res)
var result = session.parse(data)
if (!result) {
result = ''
console.log('==> Sending response:', result)
app.listen(httpPort, function() {
console.log('Example Http server listening on port:', httpPort)
srv = new Server()
Http client:
class App {
constructor() {
var app = this
this.httpApiUrl = '/api'
this.api = new Reqs({
events: {
pong: function(t1, time) {
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`Event: 'Pong'. ping ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
methods: [
cbPing: function() {
return [
function(t1, time) {
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`Ping with callback result: ping ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
syncPing: function() {
return [Date.now()] // Return array with arguments for method. Method result of 'send' function or undefined.
asyncPing: {
mode: 'async',
method: function() {
return [Date.now()] // Return array with arguments for method. Method returns promise.
// Optional function for promise.then() method
then: function(result) {
var t1 = result[0]
var time = result[1]
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`asyncPing result: ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
// Optional function for promise.catch() method
catch: function(err) {
console.error('asyncPing error:', err)
history: function() {
return [
function(channels) {
send: function(data) { // Function for sending data
console.log('==> Request:', data)
key: 'example key'
apiPost(data) {
return $.ajax({
url: this.httpApiUrl,
type: 'POST',
data: data,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'text',
success: (result) => {
console.log('<== Response:', result)
if (result) {
} else {
console.error('Post response is undefined')
asyncPing() {
APP.api.methods.asyncPing().then(function(result) {
var t1 = result[0]
var time = result[1]
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`asyncPing result: ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
}).catch(function(err) {
console.error('asyncPing error:', err)
$(function() { window.APP = new App() })
WebSockets Server code example:
const ws = require('nodejs-websocket')
const Reqs = require('node-reqs')
const wsPort = 3001
const host = 'localhost'
Server = class Server {
constructor(send) {
srv = this
this.api = new Reqs({
events: {
cbPing: function(time, cb) {
var now = Date.now()
// throw new Error 'cbPing example error'
cb(now - time, now)
syncPing: function(time) {
var now = Date.now()
// throw new Error 'syncPing example error'
this.methods.pong(now - time, now)
asyncPing: function(time) {
var now = Date.now()
// throw new Error 'asyncPing example error'
return [now - time, now]
methods: ['pong'],
send: function(data) {
if (this.conn.readyState === this.conn.OPEN) { // Check connection state
console.log('==> Sending response:', data)
session: {
arguments: 'conn'
key: 'example key',
this.wss = ws.createServer(function(conn) {
console.log('--- New connection! conn.path: ' + conn.path)
// Create new Reqs session with reference to WS connection
conn.session = srv.api.new(conn)
// Connection closing log
conn.on('close', function(code, reason) {
console.log('--- Connection closed', code, reason)
delete conn.session
// Conection errors handling (necessarily!)
conn.on('error', function(err) {
// This error happens when connections lost
if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET') {
} else {
// console.error('--- Connection close error ECONNRESET')
console.error('--- Connection error: ', err)
// WS messages processing
conn.on('text', function(text) {
console.log('<== Incoming request:', text)
this.wss.listen(wsPort, host)
console.log('Example WS Server listening on port:', wsPort)
srv = new Server()
WS client example:
const ws = require('nodejs-websocket')
const Reqs = require('node-reqs')
const port = 3001
const host = 'localhost'
const url = `ws://${host}:${port}`
var api = new Reqs({
events: {
pong: function(t1, time) {
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`Event: 'Pong'. Ping ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
message: (channel, author, msg) => {
// console.log "New message: <##{channel} [#{author}]: #{msg}>"
app.message(channel, author, msg)
channelCreated: function(channel, history) {
app.addChannel(channel, history)
methods: [
cbPing: function() {
return [
function(t1, time) {
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`Ping with callback result: ping ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
syncPing: {
method: function() {
return [Date.now()] // Return array with arguments for method. Method returns result of 'send' function
asyncPing: {
mode: 'async',
method: function() {
return [Date.now()] // Return array with arguments for method. Returns promise.
// Optional function for promise.then() method
then: function(result) {
var t1 = result[0]
var time = result[1]
var t2 = Date.now() - time
console.log(`asyncPing result: ${t1} + ${t2} = ${t1 + t2}`)
// Optional function for promise.catch() method
catch: function(err) {
console.error('asyncPing error:', err)
history: function() {
return [
function(channels) {
send: function(data) { // Function for sending data
console.log('==> SEND:', data)
if (this.conn && this.conn.readyState === 1) {
session: {
arguments: 'conn'
key: 'example key',
mode: 'sync' // Methods call mode for all methods without async/sync flag
var wsc = ws.connect(url, function() {
console.log(`--- Connected to : ${url} ---`);
var conn = this
// Create new Reqs session
conn.session = api.new(conn)
// Connection closing log
conn.on('close', function(code, reason) {
console.log('--- Connection closed', code, reason)
delete conn.session
// Conection errors handling (necessarily!)
conn.on('error', function(err) {
// This error happens when connections lost
if (err.code === 'ECONNRESET') {
} else {
// console.error('--- Connection close error ECONNRESET');
console.error('--- Connection error: ', err)
// WS messages processing
conn.on('text', function(text) {
console.log('<== Incoming request:', text)
Full examples can be found in examples
- is Reqs instance.
Method call:
request = new this.protocol.Method('method_name', 'id', args_array, cbs_array)
data = this.coder.encode(request)
Next - transport level (WebSockets, Http or whatever). Request processing:
request = this.coder.decode(data)
parsed = this.protocol.parse(request)
(a) 'method' this.events['method_name'].apply(this, args_array)
(b) 'callback' this.callbacks['id'].apply(this, args_array)
(c) 'resolve' this.promises[id].resolve.call(this, args_array)
(d) 'reject' this.promises[id].reject.call(this, args_array)
(e) 'info' this.request new protocol.Callback(id, [this_events_info, this_methods_info])
(f) 'error' this.error('message', code, request_id)
npm i node-reqs
cd ./node_modules/node-reqs/
npm i -D
node --inspect ./examples/ws/server/server.js
node --inspect ./examples/ws/node-client/client.js
node --inspect ./examples/http/server/server.js
var api = new Reqs(options)
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
options | Object | API options with handlers |
Create new Reqs instance. Instance provides Reqs methods for calling user-defined API methods and processing API events.
Option | Type | Description |
events | Object | Functions - event handlers |
methods | Object -> Function | Object Array -> String Array -> Object | String |
Functions - arguments preprocessing Object - methods options String - methods names |
send | Function | Function for sending raw data |
error | Function | Function for errors processing in events or methods functions |
coder | String Object |
Coder name to use Coder options |
key | String | Default coder option key (shortcut) |
protocol | String Object |
Protocol name to use Protocol options |
session | Object | Session options |
newid | Function | Callbacks ID generator |
newpid | Function | Promises ID generator |
Method mode | Event handler return value type | Description | When to use |
sync |
- | In sync mode return value is ignored | If you don't want to use promise or you have simple synchronous code everywhere |
async |
Any, not Promise |
Synchronous code in event without promise | When method caller want to use promise |
async |
Promise |
Asynchronous code in event handler or operation required some time (DB Acces, for example) | Asynchronous code everywhere |
Anyway, test all variants and select most comfortable mode for your case.
Default event for method in 'sync' (default) mode:
events: {
eventName: function(arg1, argN) { }
Option events
contains functions, which will be executed, when connected client calls methods (clientApi.methods.cbPing()
, for example). Method's arguments can be standard JS objects and callbacks. All other objects types not supported by default coder (JSON.stringify).
For example, method call:
clientApi.method('cbPing', Date.now(), function(t1, time) { })
And event will have next arguments:
cbPing: function(time, cb) { }
Event for method in async mode with promise as result:
events: {
eventName: function(arg1, argN) {
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return promise
If event returns promise - then Reqs attach handlers to promise.then
and promise.catch
for later data processing and sending response to connected client or server. If event throw error: Reqs will send reject type request immediatly and on other side promise will be rejected.
Event for method in async mode with result and error throw:
events: {
eventName: function(arg1, argN) {
var result = 'some result'
var someError = false
if (someError) {
throw new Error('Some error')
return result
If event returns not promise: Reqs will send resolve type request and on other side promise will be resolved. If event throw error: Reqs will send reject type request immediatly and on other side promise will be rejected.
How it works.
When method is called: Reqs check each argument type and converts callback to new generated callback ID and append to request property with callbacks positions in arguments list. Then saves original callbacks into session storage (_callbacks
Before event call: Reqs check each argument type and converts callback ID to locally created callback. This callbacks is function-wrappes with cached session and callback ID's for later sending as request.
When callback is called: send callback-type request with callback ID and own arguments list.
When callback request is returned to method's caller: Reqs finds callbacks IDs in session storage and calls with arguments from request.
Reqs doesn't validate methods arguments type or value (for now, may be later this feature will be added).
Type | Value type | Description |
Array | String | Method's name |
Array | Function | Function for arguments preprocessing |
Array | Object | Method options |
Object | Function | Function for arguments preprocessing |
Object | Object | Method options |
This option creates local functions-wrappers for fast methods calls.
Method options:
Option name | Type | Description | Is required |
method | Function | Function for arguments preprocessing | - |
mode | String -> sync | async |
Method's calling mode: return result of send function or return Promise |
- |
then | Function | Function for promise method then , only for mode async |
- |
catch | Function | Function for promise method catch , only for mode async |
- |
methods: ['methodA', 'methodB']
In this case methods arguments will be sended as is.
methods: {
methodA: function(arg1, argN) {
... // Arguments preprocessing
return ['argA', 'argB']
methodB: function() {
... // Arguments preprocessing
return ['argA', 'argB']
In this case this custom functions allow to preprocess or convert data for sending. To send data function must return array with arguments.
Methods call:
api.methods.methodA('arg1', 'argN')
methods: {
methodA: {
mode: 'async',
method: function(arg1, argN) {
... // Arguments preprocessing
return ['argA', 'argB']
then: function(result) {
catch: function(err) {
methodB: {
mode: 'sync'
method: function(arg1, argN) {
return ['argA', 'argB']
Method can be called in 2 variants:
mode. Simple call: response to call is optional. Usefull for Http api and cases, when send function can return response to call. Default mode.async
mode. Call with ID in request: in this case method returnsPromise
object. In this case on server side event must return data or throw error. AndPromise
on client side will be completed with event data or throw error. Also, optionsthen
- is same aspromise.then
var promise = api.methods.methodA('arg1', 'argN')
promise.then(function(result){ ... }).catch(function(err){ ... })
var syncResult = api.methods.methodB()
Default mode, can be changed in runtime: Reqs.default.mode === 'sync'
Mode switch in runtime:
api.async = true // mode === 'async'
api.async = false // mode === 'sync'
This mode flag is affects only to methods declared without mode option. If method declared with mode option - flag api.async is ignored for this method.
methods: [
methodA: {
mode: 'async',
method: function(arg1, argN) {
... // Arguments preprocessing
return ['argA', 'argB']
then: function(result) {
catch: function(err) {
methodB: function(arg1, argN) {
return ['argA', 'argB']
Argument | Type | Description |
data | String | Buffer | Whatever | Data for sending via WebSockets, Http or any other transport, data source is api.coder.encode() function |
return | undefined | String | Buffer | Whatever | For methods in sync mode value, returned by send function will be returned and api.parse function |
send: function(data) { app.apiPost(data) }
Function for sending data to server or to client. Have only one argument: data
- encoded data. Can be string, buffer or whatever. Result of this.coder.encode
function. If function returns any result - this result can be returned from this.parse
Example code from http api server:
send: function(outData) { return outData }
var result = session.parse(inData)
Argument | Type | Description |
message | String | Error message |
code | Number | Error code |
return | undefined | Whatever | For methods in sync mode value, returned by error function will be returned and api.parse function |
Server code:
error: function(message, code) {
// Send error to client
return this.sendError(message, code)
Client code:
error: function(message, code) {
console.error('API error:', message, code)
Function for errors processing. For server side use this.sendError(message, code)
for sending error request to client.
Coder - class for data encodind and decoding. Coder can use additional secure options like adding API keys, request signing, encryption and etc.
Option name | Type | Description | Is required |
- | String | Coder name to use | - |
name | String | Coder name to use | - |
arguments | Array | Arguments array for coder constructor | - |
Coder options. Coder provides 2 methods: encode
and decode
for converting request object to data and back.
coder: 'Coder'
Coder name to use. Coders container is Reqs.coders
coder: {
name: 'Coder',
arguments: ['example key']
name: 'Coder'
Coder name to use. Coders container is Reqs.coders
this.coder = Reqs.coders[options.coder.name]
arguments: ['example key']
Arguments array for coder constructor.
this.coder = new Coder(...options.coder.arguments)
Default coder have only one argument: key
Create coder:
class MyCoder extends Reqs.Coder {
constructor (key, arg1, argN) {
encode (request) {
var data = 'encoded request'
return data
decode (data) {
var request = 'decoded request'
return request
Register coder:
Use coder in options:
coder: 'MyCoder'
coder: {
name: 'MyCoder',
arguments: ['arg1', 'argN']
Or use in existing api instance immediatly without registration:
var api = new Reqs()
api.use(MyCoder, 'key', 'arg1', 'argN')
api.coder = new MyCoder('key', 'arg1', 'argN')
key: 'example key'
Is equal:
coder: {
name: 'Coder',
arguments: ['example key']
Option name | Type | Description | Is required |
- | String | Protocol name to use | - |
name | String | Protocol name to use | - |
arguments | Array | Arguments array for protocol constructor | - |
Protocol - class for converting from raw object to structured request objects. Protocol validate data types and Protocol is container for different requests constructors. Also, Protocol allow to convert requests from different sources and APIs. Default Reqs.Protocol
contains different requests constructors used by Reqs internally for requests processing.
protocol: 'Protocol'
Protocol name to use. Protocols container is Reqs.protocols
protocol: {
name: 'Protocol',
arguments: ['arg1', 'argN']
name: 'Protocol'
Protocol name to use. Protocols container is Reqs.protocols
this.protocol = Reqs.protocols[options.protocol.name]
arguments: ['arg1', 'argN']
Arguments array for protocol constructor.
this.protocol = new Protocol(...options.protocol.arguments)
Default protocol doesn't have any arguments.
Protocol template:
const Model = Reqs.Protocol.Model
// Original types used just as example
const types = Reqs.Protocol.types
class MyRequest {
constructor(type) {
this.type = type
class MyMethod extends MyRequest {
constructor(method, id, args, cbs) {
class MyCallback extends MyRequest {
constructor(id, args, cbs) {
class MyResolve extends MyRequest {
constructor(id, resolve) {
class MyReject extends MyRequest {
constructor(id, reject) {
class MyError extends MyRequest {
constructor(message = '', code = null, id) {
class MyInfo extends MyRequest {
constructor(id, events, methods) {
class MyProtocol extends Reqs.Protocol {
constructor() {
// Incoming requests model
this.model = {
request: new Model({
type: Model.required('Number')
method: new Model({
method: Model.required('String'),
id: 'String',
args: 'Array',
cbs: 'Array'
callback: new Model({
id: Model.required('String'),
args: 'Array',
cbs: 'Array'
promise: new Model({
id: Model.required('String')
error: new Model({
message: Model.required('String'),
code: 'Number',
id: 'String'
info: new Model({
id: Model.required('String'),
server: 'Array',
client: 'Array'
parse(request) {
this.model.request.validate(this, request)
// Result of parsing must be Reqs internal requests types from Reqs.Protocol.<type>
var r
switch (request.type) {
case types.method:
this.model.method.validate(this, request)
r = new Reqs.Protocol.Method(request.method, request.id, request.args, request.cbs)
case types.callback:
this.model.callback.validate(this, request)
r = new Reqs.Protocol.Callback(request.id, request.args, request.cbs)
case types.resolve:
this.model.promise.validate(this, request)
r = new Reqs.Protocol.Resolve(request.id, request.resolve)
case types.reject:
this.model.promise.validate(this, request)
r = new Reqs.Protocol.Reject(request.id, request.reject)
case types.error:
this.model.error.validate(this, request)
r = new Reqs.Protocol.Error(request.message, request.code, request.id)
case types.info:
this.model.info.validate(this, request)
r = new Reqs.Protocol.Info(request.id, request.events, request.methods)
r = this.throw(`Unknown request type: ${request.type}`)
return r
// In runtime Reqs will use this constructors for requests creation
// Example:
// var r = new this.protocol.Method('method', args, cbs)
MyProtocol.prototype.Method = MyMethod
MyProtocol.prototype.Callback = MyCallback
MyProtocol.prototype.Resolve = MyResolve
MyProtocol.prototype.Reject = MyReject
MyProtocol.prototype.Error = MyError
MyProtocol.prototype.Info = MyInfo
Register protocol:
Use protocol in options:
coder: 'MyProtocol'
coder: {
name: 'MyProtocol',
arguments: ['arg1', 'argN']
Or use in existing api instance immediatly without registration:
var api = new Reqs()
api.use(MyProtocol, 'key', 'arg1', 'argN')
api.protocol = new MyProtocol('key', 'arg1', 'argN')
Used by Protocol.parse
for request structure and data types validation.
Example use:
const Model = Reqs.Protocol.Model
var models = {
request: new Model({
type: Model.required('Number')
method: new Model({
method: Model.required('String'),
id: 'String',
args: 'Array',
cbs: 'Array'
And validation in protocol's context:
parse(request) {
models.request.validate(protocol, request)
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
methodName | String | Method name to call | Required |
id | String | ID of the request | - |
arguments | Array | Arguments | - |
callbacks | Array | callbacks ID positions in arguments | - |
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
id | String | ID of the request | Required |
arguments | Array | Arguments | - |
callbacks | Array | callbacks ID positions in arguments | - |
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
id | String | ID of the request | Required |
result | Object | Result | - |
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
id | String | ID of the request | Required |
reject | Object | Reject result error | - |
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
message | String | error message | Required |
code | Number | Error code | - |
id | String | ID of the request | - |
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
id | String | ID of the request | Required |
events | Array | List of events (for client's api) | - |
methods | Array | List of methods (for client's api) | - |
Option name | Type | Description | Is required |
arguments | String Array |
One session argument Array of session arguments |
- |
Session options. Session creation: var session = api.new()
. Usually session used for multiple connections. For example - on server side it must be used if server provide API for multiple users. On client side session isn't required.
session: {
arguments: 'conn'
session: {
arguments: ['a', 'b', 'c']
Name - for one argument or array of names for several arguments. Allow to automatically attach additional info or objects to session instance.
arguments: 'conn'
var session = api.new('conn')
session.conn === 'conn'
arguments: ['a', 'b', 'c']
var session = api.new('a', 'b', 'c')
session.a === 'a'
session.b === 'b'
session.c === 'c'
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
return | String | New ID for callback | Required |
Callbacks ID generator. By default - simple counter in _id
newid: function() {
return 'new id'
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
return | String | New ID for promise | Required |
Promises ID generator. By default - simple counter in _pid
newpid: function() {
return 'new pid'
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
data | String | Buffer | Whatever | Incoming raw data | Required |
return | Depends on send and command in request |
- |
Parse the request data. Data type is string/buffer/whatever from client/server.
var result = api.parse(data)
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
return | Reqs | this |
- |
Add method to api.methods
list. Basically creates wrapper for methodApply
with cached method name.
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
methods | - | - | Required |
safe | Boolean | Don't oeverwrite existing methods (true by default) |
- |
Add methods to api.methods
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
xt | Function | Function that returns arguments array for method | Required |
mode | String | Method mode: 'async' | 'sync' | - |
xtThen | Function | Function for promise.then method |
- |
xtCatch | Function | Function for promise.catch method |
- |
safe | Boolean | Don't oeverwrite existing methods (true by default) |
- |
Create method to api.methods
list with arguments preprocessor function and additional options. Creates wrapper for methodApply
with cached method name and fixed mode, if mode
argument presented.
api.createMethod('method', xt, mode, xtThen, xtCatch)
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
...args | Any | Method arguments | - |
Call method with arguments. Mode depends on mode flag.
api.method('method', ...args)
api.method('method', 'arg1', 'argN')
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
arguments | Array | Method arguments | - |
Call method with arguments array. Mode depends on mode flag.
api.methodApply('method', ['arg1', 'argN'])
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
...args | Any | Method arguments | - |
Call method with arguments in synchronous mode.
api.methodSync('method', ...args)
api.methodSync('method', 'arg1', 'argN')
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
...args | Any | Method arguments | - |
Call method with arguments in asynchronous mode.
api.methodAsync('method', ...args)
api.methodAsync('method', 'arg1', 'argN')
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
arguments | Array | Method arguments | - |
Call method with arguments array in synchronous mode.
api.methodSyncApply('method', ['arg1', 'argN'])
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
method | String | Method name | Required |
arguments | Array | Method arguments | - |
Call method with arguments array in asynchronous mode.
api.methodAsyncApply('method', ['arg1', 'argN'])
Argument | Type | Description | Is required |
cb | Function | Callback | - |
Request from server list of available events and methods.
Build library:
npm run build
Watch files:
npm run watch
- Rewrite build script or use some other tool to get feature for building client with difference protocols and coders.
- Add feature for detecting events arguments types (via comments parsing or options) and events arguments types validation.
- OpenAPI / Swagger support.
- (?) Add feature for requesting API documentation via API.
- Feel free to suggest new features.