Cacofonisk is a framework that connects to the Asterisk PBX, listens to AMI events and records CallerIDs and CallerID changes on call transfers.
Cacofonisk takes a stream of AMI events as input and translates these to channel objects. At relevant moments in a call, these channel objects can be used to get information about the active call and do anything with that information. For example you may want get a signal everytime that a call is transferred. When a call is transferred, you may want to know which account is initiating the transfer, what the callerid is for the call he is transferring and to which extension the call is being transferred. All this information is available in Cacafonisk. You may want to write it to file, but this being the 21st century, you may also want to send it to a url.
Cacofonisk is built on the pretty awesome Panoramisk library to listen to the AMI.
Cacofonisk can be installed from pypi:
$ pip install cacofonisk
To install from source, run:
$ python3 install
To run tests, run:
$ python3 nosetests
for example, to implement the above scenario in cacofonisk, you would do the
following. in
you would overwrite on_transfer
To get a notification for everytime an account is ringing and when a transfer is
performed. Write the following to
from cacofonisk import AmiRunner, BaseReporter
class ReportAllTheThings(BaseReporter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cloudcti_accounts = set()
def on_b_dial(self, call_id, caller, callee):
callee_account_code = callee.code
caller_id = caller.number
print("{} is being called by {}".format(callee_account_code, caller_id))
def on_up(self, call_id, caller, callee):
callee_account_code = callee.code
caller_id = caller.number
print("{} is now in conversation with {}".format(callee_account_code, caller_id))
def on_transfer(self, call_id, redirector, party1, party2):
print("Account with account code {redirector.account_code} just "
"transferred a call with callerid {party1.cli} to an extension at "
"{party2.exten}".format(redirector, party1, party2))
def on_hangup(self, call_id, caller, callee, reason):
print("{} and {} are no longer calling (reason: {})".format(caller, callee, reason))
if __name__ == '__main__':
ami_host = {'host': '', 'username': 'cacofonisk', 'password': 'bard', 'port': 5038}
ami_hosts = (ami_host,)
reporter = ReportAllTheThings()
runner = AmiRunner(ami_hosts, reporter)
If you run this like:
$ python3
You will see a message printed to the console for every account that is ringing or transferred.
You can also listen for UserEvents. This can be used to trigger actions based on User defined events in the dialplan.
$ mkvirtualenv cacofonisk --python=`which python3`
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure your test user has read=all
event powers in asterisk and
restart asterisk:
To make (automated) testing easier, it is possible to let Cacofonisk read events from different sources than AMI. To read files from a json file, the default runner can overwritten to use the FileRunner
from cacofonisk import BaseReporter, FileRunner
class TransferSpammer(BaseReporter):
def on_transfer(self, redirector, party1, party2):
print("Account with account code {redirector.account_code} just "
"transferred a call with callerid {party1.cli} to an extension at "
"{party2.exten}".format(redirector, party1, party2))
if __name__ == "__main__":
reporter = TransferSpammer()
runner = FileRunner("path/to/file.json", reporter)
Running this script will read events from the specified file. You can see examples for this kind of files in examples
. To generate your own json, you can do
from cacofonisk import JsonReporter
if __name__ == "__main__":
ami_host = {'host': '', 'username': 'cacofonisk', 'password': 'bard', 'port': 5038}
ami_hosts = (ami_host,)
reporter = JsonReporter('path/to/file.json')
runner = AmiRunner(ami_hosts, reporter)
The ChannelManager operates on a stream of channelevents such as are emitted by
the AMI of one or more Asterisken. 'runners' can be set on a Cacofonisk instance
to specify where the events come frome. In production, cacofonisk would listen
to an actual AMI. For this purpose, cacofonisk.AmiRunner
can be used.
For (automated) tests it is more convenient to read events from a file. To make
this possible, cacofonisk makes it possible to convert a stream of AMI events to
a list of json objects, and write them to a file using the JsonReporter. Such a file can be
replayed using cacofonisk.JsonFileRunner
All runners should be passed a Reporter
To start the runner, is used:
from cacofonisk import AmiRunner, JsonFileRunner, DebugReporter
reporter = DebugReporter()
# To attach the AmiRunner
runner = AmiRunner([(ami_host, ami_user, ami_secret),], reporter)
# To attach the JsonFileRunner
runner = JsonFileRunner('path/to/file.json', reporter)
The reporter is attached to the ChannelManager. It has an on_ami_event
that is called for every AMI event that is encountered. When no reporter is
specified, the ChannelManager will use the default reporter at verbosity=0. In
effect this means that no information will be displayed.
The JsonReporter is used to generate json files from AMI events. To do this, specify the JsonReporter on cacofonisk as follows:
from cacofonisk import AmiRunner, JsonReporter
reporter = JsonFileReporter('path/to/file.json')
# To attach the AmiRunner
runner = AmiRunner([(ami_host, ami_user, ami_secret),], reporter)
This will create a file containing all AMI events for the duration of the run at the specified path.
The DebugReporter
can be used to get detailed reports of events within the
ChannelManager. It prints information to stdout.
A ChannelManager is instantiated for every input source. So that if three AMI interfaces are set on the runner, three ChannelManagers will be active. The ChannelManager is a central part of the way in which Cacofonisk functions. It contains all the logic that decides about which channels are logically in one conversation and which channel is associated with which part of the call.
For most uses however, it is not necessary to access the ChannelManager directly, because the Reporter probably has all the needed information available. If it is needed to make changes to the ChannelManager, a subclass of ChannelManager can be passed to the runner:
from cacofonisk import AmiRunner, BaseReporter, ChannelManager
class MyAwesomeChannelManager(ChannelManager):
def on_event(self, event):
print("Never gonna give you up!")
reporter = BaseReporter()
channel_manager = MyAwesomeChannelManager()
runner = AmiRunner(ami_hosts, reporter, channel_manager)
The ChannelManager operates on Channels. These can be linked, unlinked, masqueraded and destroyed just like any Asterisk Channel. This operations are pretty lowlevel, but there is one very nifty use of Channel. Information can be added to the dictionary at Channel.custom
. This dictionary is retained when a Channel is masqueraded.
The CallerId contains the following information about participants in a call:
- code: The accountcode.
- name: The callerid name.
- number: The callerid number.
- is_public: Whether or not the participant wants to share this information.
The CallerId is passed to the on_b_dial
and on_transfer
methods of a
A testcase can be written that reads from a json eventlog. Below is an example for a test that makes sure that events are found at all.
from cacofonisk.utils.testcases import BaseTestCase, SilentReporter
from import ChannelManager
class TestReporter(SilentReporter):
A report that increments the property ``no_of_events`` by one, every
time ``on_event()`` is called.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.total_events = 0
def on_event(self, event):
self.total_events += 1
class MyVeryOwnTestCase(BaseTestCase):
Test my very own code.
def test_events_come_in(self):
Play a log and test that events are coming in.
reporter = TestReporter()
events = self.load_events_from_disk(
chanmgr = ChannelManager(reporter=reporter)
for event in events:
self.assertNotEqual(reporter.no_of_events, 0)