The project was build for Microsoft Engage Program 2022. This is a Face Attendance App that uses face recognition for marking students' attendance.
Features :-
- There are two types of users i.e. Teachers and Students.
- Students have to submit the picture of thir face during signup.
- The information of the face corresponding to a student is stored in the form of face encodings.
- To mark the attendance, the student has to scan his face using a teacher's device.
- The face encoding from the scanned face and stored encoding are then compared.
- On successful matching, the student's attendance is marked for the day.
- The teacher can view the attendance of all the students.
- The students can view their attendance.
Addition Information
The API for comparing faces is build using face_recognition python library.
Clone the repository
git clone
Frontend Setup
Navigate to the frontend directory
cd frontend/face_attendance
Install the dependencies
flutter pub get
After your Backend is running, paste
or your IP Address (if USB Debugging) in the constants.dart file.const String BASE_URL = 'localhost:8000';
- Backend Setup
Navigate to the backend directory
cd backend
Create and activate a virtual environment (recommended)
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the migrations
python makemigrations
Run the migrations
python migrate
Create a superuser
python createsuperuser
Copy .env.example to .env
copy .env.example .env
Edit the .env file and add the required values (SECRET_KEY & DEBUG) runserver
Run the server
python runserver
Run the app
flutter run
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.