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MTurk codebase for the study "SQL vs. Visual Diagrams on time and correctness matching relational query patterns"


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MTurk codebase for the study "SQL vs. Visual Diagrams on time and correctness matching relational query patterns"

Code and instructions for running the study "SQL vs. Visual Diagrams on time and correctness matching relational query patterns" using Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), Heroku, and Postgres.


Notice that some fields such as: DATABASE_URL, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY need to be specified accordingly when setting up the Postgres database on Heroku and using AWS keys with MTurk.

!!Warning!! Tutorial time is not currently captured correctly due to a database bug.

MTurk Initial Setup and Overview

  • Register on for deployment and for testing.
  • Deploy to Heroku by committing and pushing the repository with git push heroku master.
  • Run to post the hits on Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk will post your HIT, and IFrame your URL when a user accepts it.
  • Once a user completes the HIT it will be logged in the database. For more options, check the

Useful Commands

Local testing of Flask server

Setup for using Ubuntu via WSL

  1. Update WSL

    wsl --update
  2. Install Unbuntu from the Windows store to keep it current.

  3. With VSCode open from Windows, install

  4. Within WSL Bash, run VSCode from the folder with:

    code .

    (See for details.)

Setup using Ubuntu

  1. Upgrade packages:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  2. Upgrade Python to 3.11 (necessary for Heroku deployment)

    sudo apt install software-properties-common
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3.11-full python3.11-dev python3.11-venv gcc
    python3.11 -m ensurepip

    !Danger! Don't do the following unless you want to risk breaking your terminal! But it does let you set the default python3 to be python3.11

    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 2

    And choose which one to use as Python3 via the command:

    sudo update-alternatives --config python3
  3. Install Postgres (and libssl-dev)

    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libssl-dev
    1. Optional: Install pgadmin for managing the DB:

      1. If using WSL, install on Windows by downloading from See details at StackOverflow.

      2. If pure Ubuntu:

        sudo apt install pgadmin4
    2. Set a postgres Ubuntu user password:

      sudo passwd postgres

      E.g., it56uZ.

    3. Set a postgres database user password:

      sudo -u postgres psql

      Inside the psql shell, set the password. Make sure to set your own value for NEWPASSWORD before running:

    4. Set up the postgres databases and user for the app. Still in the psql shell:

      1. Create the database and list the ones present.

        CREATE DATABASE rdstudy;
      2. Then, create the user flask. Make sure to set your own value for NEWPASSWORD before running:

        GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE rdstudy to flask;
      3. Exit psql by running:

    5. See status with

      service postgresql status
    6. Start the server with

      sudo service postgresql start
    7. To avoid getting connection refused errors, edit the postgresql.conf file.

      1. Locate the conf file:

        sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SHOW config_file'
      2. Edit the file. E.g.:

        sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
      3. In the file, uncomment listen_addresses and change it like so:

        listen_addresses = '*'
      4. Then restart postgres using

        sudo service postgresql restart
  4. Create a .env file that holds your environmental variables.

    1. Generate a FLASK_SECRET_KEY, e.g., running this in the Python interpreter:

      import os
    2. Then fill out the .env file something like this, ensuring that you fill in the values for XXXXX below. Use:

      1. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from for the Sandbox or for live deployment.
      2. The FLASK_SECRET_KEY you generated
      3. The password you set for the postgres flask account as part of LOCAL_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI.
  5. Install Python requirements in a virtual environment.

    1. Install wheel for building packages and ensure libpq-fe.h is available from libpq-dev:

      python3.11 -m pip install wheel
      sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpq-dev
    2. Create the virtual environment:

      sudo python3.11 -m venv env
      source env/bin/activate
    3. Install wheel and then the requirements:

      python3.11 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run to populate the database. This currently only works with running debugging from VSCode..., i.e., debugpy. It is unclear why...

sudo -u postgres psql -d rdstudy

in postgres

\dt shows you the tables and SELECT * FROM USERS; shows you an empty table with columns.

flask run

To view the running site, use, for example:

Deploying on Heroku

Create a pipeline on Heroku that will be created from GitHub.


heroku plugins:install heroku-config
heroku login

to switch to our app

heroku domains -a rd-study

where rd-study is the app name on Heroku.

This opens the website:

heroku open -a rd-study

To overwrite existing values, use

heroku config:push -a rd-study -o

Warning: This fails silently if the file doesn't exist.

make sure to log in fresh to the latest deployment, then:

heroku run bash --app rd-study

You can test it with gunicorn like so:

gunicorn --preload  rd_study_server:app --log-file - --log-level=debug

To view the running site, use, for example:

For testing MTurk

heroku config:push --file=.env.sandbox -a rd-study -o
heroku ps:restart -a rd-study

For live MTurk

heroku config:push -a rd-study -o
heroku ps:restart -a rd-study

Papertrail logging (paid)—Note that this plan has a 65MB/day limit which you can easily exceed even running 60 participants. We recommended you use a higher plan.

heroku addons:create papertrail:fixa

To export logs, you can use the scripts found in /logs/papertrail.

Access Papertrail through the Heroku site.

To see the database with, e.g., PGAdmin:

  1. Get the value of DATABASE_URL on Heroku:

    heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a rd-study

    It is of the form

  2. Set under Connection:

    • Hostname/address: HOST
    • Port: PORT
    • Maintenance database: DATABASE
    • Username: USERNAME
    • Password: PASSWORD
  3. Set under Advanced:

    • DB restriction: DATABASE
  4. Click Save.

  5. Navigate to the database > Schemas > public > Tables > users. Right-click and select View/Edit Data > All Rows.

Possible .env files

Here are some options you can create:

  • .env.local.sandbox for local development and sandbox grading
  • for local development and MTurk live grading
  • .env.sandbox.test to use for testing the MTurk Sandbox site.
  • .env.sandbox for more production-ready testing on the MTurk Sandbox site. Turns off error display to users and requires qualifications.
  • to use for the live MTurk website.
  • to use for the live MTurk website. Turns off error display to users and requires qualifications.

Instructions for dealing with MTurk interactions

AWS / MTurk setup

Create your AWS account and an associated MTurk account.


  1. Ensure your environment variables are set. You can use a line like this to load one of the environment files into environment variables, in this case .env.sandbox.text:
set -o allexport && source .env.sandbox.test && set +o allexport

likewise, for the actual grading of the submitted HITs:

set -o allexport && source && set +o allexport

Note! All your .env files need to have LF and not CRLF line endings for this to work properly. Otherwise, you'll get errors like botocore.exceptions.HTTPClientError: An HTTP Client raised an unhandled exception: Invalid header value. You can check this with, e.g., cat -t .env.sandbox.text.

You can check variables in general with printenv | grep AWS.

Creates a qualification using questions from qualification_questions.xml and answers from qualification_answers.xml. Uses the AWS_SANDBOX, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. !!!WARNING!!! hard-coded text for the qualification details! Make sure to at least change the Name and hard-coded bits in Run in the terminal. Pass in one of these arguments:

  • test: Creates the basic qualification.
  • custom: Creates a custom qualification for invited workers only, e.g., those who had errors taking the test.
  • test_taken: Creates a test taken qualification to eliminate workers who have taken the test previously.

E.g., inside the virtual environment, you'll need to run both:

python ./ test
python ./ test_taken

Record the QualificationIds to use in for the qualification_id and taken_test_qualification_id variables.

If you get a RequestError about having a QualificationType with this name already, you need to change the hard-coded Name= part of the file or delete the existing qualification at or

Creates a HIT. Uses the AWS_SANDBOX, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables. !!!WARNING!!! hard-coded text!

!!!WARNING!!! The HITs you create programmatically here Do Not show up on the web management interface! Amazon has deprecated that feature—aargh!

  1. Update the <ExternalURL> tag in external_question.xml to be the URL of your Heroku app.

  2. Update all these hard-coded elements in (some docs on MTurk docs), and read the file!

    1. qualification_id: The basic qualification.
    2. custom_qualification_id: A custom qualification for invited workers.
    3. taken_test_qualification_id: A test taken qualification to eliminate workers who previously took the test.
    4. base_pay: The lowest level of reward.
    5. approval_percentage
    6. minimum_qualification_score
    7. title_str
    8. description-str
    9. MaxAssignments
    10. LifetimeInSeconds
    11. AssignmentDurationInSeconds

Run inside the virtual environment with one of these arguments:

  • full: Regular full-duration HIT.
  • pilot: Shorter pilot HIT.
  • custom WID QID: Post a custom hit for the worker with ID WID who has been given a custom qualification with ID QID.


python ./ full

Has lots of code for various things. Make sure to read the code before running it! Run in the terminal. Pass in one of these arguments followed by parameters:

  • summary: Provides a summary of the last 100 hits

!!!Warning!!! Everything below needs to be checked to see if it needs a paginator added to handle more than 100 records.

  • balance: Gets current prepaid HIT balance.
  • clear: Deletes all HITs except the ones in a !!!WARNING!!! hard-coded except_list. Will auto-reject all assignments pending in the HIT!
  • extend NUM: Add NUM more assignments. !!!WARNING!!! hard-coded hit_id.
  • hits_detail HID1 HID2: Get details for two HIT IDs.
  • get_assignments HID STATUS: Get assignments for HIT ID HID with status STATUS one of ['Approved', 'Rejected', 'Submitted'].
  • get_worker_id_list HID: Get worker IDs for HIT with ID HID that are Approved or Rejected.
  • approve_qualifications QID: Approve qualifications for qualification ID QID. !!!WARNING!!! hard-coded accept_list in approve_qualifications definition.
  • update_expiration HID: Update the expiration for HIT ID HID. !!!WARNING!!! hard-coded ExpireAt in update_expiration definition.
  • give_worker_qualification QID WID: Give qualification with ID QID to worker with ID WID.
  • set_taken_test_qualification QID WFILE: Read worker IDs from WFILE which has one ID per line and ADD to each worker the qualification with ID QID.
  • remove_qualification QID WFILE: Read worker IDs from WFILE which has one ID per line and REMOVE from each worker the qualification with ID QID.
  • get_workers_with_qualification QID: List the workers with qualification ID QID.
  • get_qualification_score QID WID: Get the qualification score on qualification with ID QID for worker with ID WID.
  • notify_workers_with_qualification QFILE TFILE: Notify all workers listed in the qualified workers file QFILE (one ID per line) that are in the file of workers that haven't taken the HIT TFILE (one ID per line). !!!WARNING!!! Hard-coded advertisement message.

Deals with submissions.

!!!Warning!!! Hard-coded messages to workers here, including the reject_message variable.

Depends on the REMOTE_DATABASE_URI environment variable being set to point to the Heroku Postges Database. Note: This will change regularly! There are two ways to get this value:

  1. Access through Heroku site, e.g.,

  2. Use the Heroku CLI:

    heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a rd-study

    It is of the form


Ensure the environment variables are set. E.g., for live payment:

set -o allexport && source && set +o allexport

!!!Warning currently these claim to update the DB saying who was paid but do not actually. Use the contents of the /logs folder to check status.

Pass in one of these arguments:

  • batch_grade HID: Check Submitted assignments for a given HIT ID and Approve them.
  • batch_grade_test HID: Check Submitted assignments for a given HIT ID and Approve them.
  • send_manual_bonus WID AID: Send a bonus to a given worker ID for given assignment ID (because we accepted but didn't send a bonus the first time.)
  • reject AID FEEDBACK: Reject the given assignment ID with a given feedback. E.g., rejecting speeders.
  • approve AID: Approve the given assignment ID like normal.
  • grade AID WID: Grade and approve hits as necessary for a given assignment ID and worker ID

E.g., using your HID:

python ./ batch_grade HID


MTurk codebase for the study "SQL vs. Visual Diagrams on time and correctness matching relational query patterns"



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