Practicing programming problems logging my solutions • JavaScript, SQL, Python & TypeScript <Updating>
- Algorithms
- Database
# | Title | Solutions | Time | Space | Difficulty | Tags |
1 | Two Sum | JavaScript Python |
O(n) | O(n) | 🟩 Easy | Array Hash Table |
53 | Maximum Subarray | JavaScript Python |
O(n) | O(1) | 🟨 Medium | Array Divide and Conquer Dynamic Programming |
136 | Single Number | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Array Bit Manipulation |
152 | Maximum Product Subarray | Python | O(n) | O(1) | 🟨 Medium | Array Dynamic Programming |
171 | Excel Sheet Column Number | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Math String |
217 | Contains Duplicate | JavaScript Python |
O(n) | O(n) | 🟩 Easy | Array Hash Table Sorting |
383 | Ransom Note | JavaScript | O(m) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Hash Table String Counting |
412 | Fizz Buzz | JavaScript | O(n) | O(n) | 🟩 Easy | Math String Simulation |
876 | Middle of the Linked List | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Linked List Two Pointers |
1108 | Defanging an IP Address | JavaScript Python |
O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | String |
1119 | Remove Vowels from a String | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | String |
1342 | Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero | JavaScript TypeScript |
O(log n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Math Bit Manipulation |
1480 | Running Sum of 1d Array | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Array Prefix Sum |
1672 | Richest Customer Wealth | JavaScript | O(mn) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Array Matrix |
1678 | Goal Parser Interpretation | JavaScript | O(n) | O(n) | 🟩 Easy | String |
1920 | Build Array from Permutation | JavaScript Python |
O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Array Simulation |
1929 | Concatenation of Array | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Array |
2011 | Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations | JavaScript | O(n) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Array String Simulation |
2235 | Add Two Integers | JavaScript Python |
O(1) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Math |
2469 | Convert the Temperature | JavaScript | O(1) | O(1) | 🟩 Easy | Math |
- Simple SQL Queries
- Joins and Subqueries
- Modifying data
- Aggregation
- Working with Timestamps
- String Operations
- Recursive Queries
# | Title | Solution | Tags |
1 | Retrieve everything from a table | SQL | SELECT * |
2 | Retrieve specific columns from a table | SQL | SELECT |
3 | Control which rows are retrieved | SQL | WHERE |
4 | Control which rows are retrieved - part 2 | SQL | WHERE AND |
5 | Basic string searches | SQL | WHERE LIKE |
6 | Matching against multiple possible values | SQL | WHERE IN |
7 | Classify results into buckets | SQL | CASE AS |
8 | Working with dates | SQL | SQL Timestamp Format |
9 | Removing duplicates and ordering results | SQL | DISTINCT ORDER BY LIMIT |
10 | Combining results from multiple queries | SQL | UNION |
11 | Simple aggregation | SQL | MAX |
12 | More aggregation | SQL | Subquery Scalar Table |
# | Title | Solution | Tags |
1 | Retrieve the start times of members' bookings | SQL | Implicit / Explicit INNER JOIN |
2 | Work out the start times of bookings for tennis courts | SQL | INNER JOIN IN / LIKE % Wildcard |
3 | Produce a list of all members who have recommended another member | SQL | Implicit / Explicit INNER JOIN Subquery |
4 | Produce a list of all members, along with their recommender | SQL | LEFT OUTER JOIN |
5 | Produce a list of all members who have used a tennis court | SQL | CONCAT_WS() || String Concatenation Operator INNER JOIN |
6 | Produce a list of costly bookings | SQL | CASE INNER JOIN |
7 | Produce a list of all members, along with their recommender, using no joins | SQL | Correlated Subquery |
8 | Produce a list of costly bookings, using a subquery | SQL | Subquery INNER JOIN |
# | Title | Solution | Tags |
1 | Insert some data into a table | SQL | INSERT INTO ... VALUES |
2 | Insert multiple rows of data into a table | SQL | INSERT INTO ... SELECT UNION ALL |
3 | Insert calculated data into a table | SQL | INSERT INTO ... SELECT |
4 | Update some existing data | SQL | UPDATE |
5 | Update multiple rows and columns at the same time | SQL | UPDATE |
6 | Update a row based on the contents of another row | SQL | UPDATE ... FROM Subquery |
7 | Delete all bookings | SQL | DELETE TRUNCATE |
8 | Delete a member from the cd.members table | SQL | DELETE |
9 | Delete based on a subquery | SQL | DELETE Subquery Correlated Subquery |
# | Title | Solution | Tags |
1 | Produce a timestamp for 1 a.m. on the 31st of August 2012 | SQL | TIMESTAMP :: Operator CAST |
2 | Subtract timestamps from each other | SQL | INTERVAL |
3 | Generate a list of all the dates in October 2012 | SQL | GENERATE_SERIES |
4 | Get the day of the month from a timestamp | SQL | EXTRACT |
5 | Work out the number of seconds between timestamps | SQL | EXTRACT(EPOCH) |
6 | Work out the number of days in each month of 2012 | SQL | GENERATE_SERIES(TIMESTAMP) EXTRACT |
7 | Work out the number of days remaining in the month | SQL | DATE_TRUNC |
8 | Work out the end time of bookings | SQL | INTERVAL Multiplication LIMIT |
9 | Return a count of bookings for each month | SQL | DATE_TRUNC COUNT |
10 | Work out the utilisation percentage for each facility by month | SQL | Subquery ROUND EXTRACT(EPOCH) |
# | Title | Solution | Tags |
1 | Format the names of members | SQL | || String Concatenation Operator CONCAT |
2 | Find facilities by a name prefix | SQL | LIKE % _ |
3 | Perform a case-insensitive search | SQL | ILIKE CREATE INDEX UPPER |
4 | Find telephone numbers with parentheses | SQL | SIMILAR TO ~ Operator Regex POSITION |
5 | Pad zip codes with leading zeroes | SQL | LPAD / RPAD TEXT CHAR |
6 | Count the number of members whose surname starts with each letter of the alphabet | SQL | SUBSTRING SUBSTR LEFT |
7 | Clean up telephone numbers | SQL | REGEXP_REPLACE TRANSLATE |
# | Title | Solution | Tags |
1 | Find the upward recommendation chain for member ID 27 | SQL | WITH RECURSIVE UNION ALL INNER JOIN |
2 | Find the downward recommendation chain for member ID 1 | SQL | WITH RECURSIVE UNION ALL INNER JOIN |
3 | Produce a CTE that can return the upward recommendation chain for any member | SQL | WITH RECURSIVE UNION ALL INNER JOIN OR |