CPPConsole is a header-only library for C++
projects that adds features to the console to make logging easier, like getting dimensions, coloring text, etc.
To use CPPConsole in your project, copy all the file located in the include/
directory into your own personal include/
After that, you can add #include "cppconsole.hpp"
to your file to include all CPPConsole functions, or include each file individually.
- ANSI Escape Code support
- Cross-platform support for Windows and Linux for most functions
- Colorizing text using RGB values
- Moving the Console cursor
- Getting Console Dimensions
- Clearing parts of the Console
- Manipulating text graphics, like making text bold/italic
- Printing data structures, like vectors and maps
std::vector<std::string> vec = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
vec[0] = console::colorize(vec[0], 255, 255, 0);
console::set({console::Graphics::BOLD, console::Graphics::ITALIC});
console::Dimensions dim = console::getDimensions();
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
if (i % (dim.width / 4) == 0)
console::print(console::colorize(std::string(3 - std::to_string(i).length(), ' ') + std::to_string(i), i) + " ");
and console::println
are the main function that are used for printing. These work with any data structure, from primitives to vectors and maps.
and console::printlnAll
take an infinite amount of arguments, seperating them by spaces
takes a string and then a color, changing the color of the text
takes a list of graphics modes, and sets them all (like BOLD and ITALIC)
clears all previous graphics modes.
More function can be found throughout the files.
If you'd like to contribute to CPPConsole, or would like to report an issue, please read the Contributing Guidelines
CPPConsole is licensed under the MIT License
CPPConsole's changlog, which includes previous changes and upcoming changes, can be found in CHANGELOG.md