Install Docker Desktop for Windows/Mac To get Topolograph Docker up and running run the following commands.
git clone
cd topolograph-docker
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
The Topolograph site will be available after a few minutes.
Open the URL http://localhost:8080/
in a web-browser.
The application's variables are grouped in .env file
- TOPOLOGRAPH_PORT - the application port
TOPOLOGRAPH_PORT=8080 <-- whatever you want, and then open the URL http://localhost:8080/ after re-runing docker-compose up -d
- NAPALM_USERNAME, NAPALM_PASSWORD - credentials for Napalm methods in order to login to network device and get OSPF LSDB
- DNS - accepts IP address of DNS server in order to resolve OSPF RID and show device names on a graph
* NETBOX_URL, NETBOX_RO_TOKEN - resolves device's hostname in Netbox, assigns devices by groups - TOPOLOGRAPH_WEB_API_USERNAME_EMAIL, TOPOLOGRAPH_WEB_API_PASSWORD - credentials for API requests
- TOPOLOGRAPH_WEB_API_AUTHORISED_NETWORKS - whitelistening IP sources of API requests
In order to create the user with password from .env
file and add your networks in allow list (authorised networks) from TOPOLOGRAPH_WEB_API_AUTHORISED_NETWORKS
variable - run this request
import requests
res ='http://localhost:8080/create-default-credentials')
{'errors': '', 'status': 'ok'}
To test that it works - Open http://localhost:8080/
in a web-browser, go to Login/Local login
to login. API/Authorised source IP ranges
Tab should list your IP ranges.
You can find more info about Topolograph here: