Bepu Physics V2 Integration with Stride 3D - Stride PR
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Integrating Bepu Physics v2 into Stride.
Check out the Docs in the wiki. (WIP)
- Simulations: Highly configurable simulation & multi-simulation.
- Bodies: Static, dynamic, and kinematic.
- Colliders: MeshCollider, ConvexHullCollider, Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Capsule, Triangle (Note: MeshCollider is categorized as a container; further details are available in the documentation).
- Constraints: All (Refer to Bepu Docs for more details.).
- Collision Handler by body, Trigger, RayCast & SweepCast.
- CharacterBuilder/Controller & CarBuilder/Controller.
- Navigation (WIP).
- Numerous of samples utility scripts & scenes to aid understanding how to use.
- INSANE performances ❤️
- Wiki