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notthebobo edited this page May 22, 2021 · 8 revisions

This page is under construction. Some part descriptions need to be expanded.

WOLF parts are designed to provide the "plumbing" required to support your colonization efforts without having multiple large bases with huge part counts. The parts are divided into several types:

  • Preparation parts The Surface Scanning Module and WOLF Transport Computer allow you to prepare and connect your depots.
  • Depot The depot is the first part placed in a biome after a WOLF survey has been done. Only one depot is placed per biome.
  • Containers Use crew or cargo containers to build routes between depots in different biomes. Containers come in four different sizes from 1.25m to 5.0m.
  • Hoppers Attach hoppers to your bases to convert extracted WOLF resources into standard resources. Hoppers come in 2.5m or 3.75m sizes.
  • Modules Modules perform functions at your depot to process WOLF resources
  • Terminals Terminals allow the transport of Kerbals from any biome to another, if a transport route has been established.
  • Harvesters Harvesters allow depots to extract resources from a biome and convert them into WOLF resources.

Note that depots, containers, modules, and harvesters will disappear when used. This is intentional and is one of the selling points for WOLF, in that it allows you to define the functioning of the base without having to have a large part count.

Preparation Parts

Use the Surface Scanning Module to perform a WOLF biome scan before building a depot. This allows the depot to know what resources are available for use. You must click 'Survey WOLF Biome' before building a depot.

The WOLF Transport Computer is placed on vehicles before travelling from one biome to another in order to build routes between depots. Two different routes can be built, one for crew and one for cargo. See the other WOLF sections for more information.


The depot is the first part of any WOLF installation. It is required for every WOLF installation. All new depots come with 5 Power resources. Depots created in Kerbin biomes come with additional resources: 5 Water, 1 Oxygen, 1 Food, and 5 MaterialKits, and 5 additional Power.


Containers are used when you want to define routes between depots. Attach the appropriate type of container, crew or cargo, in the appropriate size to your vehicle, then use the WOLF Transport Computer to start and end the route.

Crew containers allow transport of kerbals between biomes in either Economy or Luxury class, as shown below.

Size Mass (tons) Economy Luxury
1.25m 3.0 2 1
2.5m 4.5 6 3
3.75m 21.0 14 7
5.0m 45.0 30 15

Cargo containers allow transport of different WOLF units

Size Mass (tons) Payload
1.25m 1 1
2.5m 3 3
3.75m 7 7
5.0m 15 15


The four hoppers each come in two sizes, 2.5m and 3.75m, and convert WOLF resources into standard resources at a fixed rate. Attach these parts to your bases to retrieve standard KSP resources that have ben extracted, refined, or transported by the WOLF system.

There are four different functions:

Hopper Options
Fuel Lf+Ox, Lf, Monopropellant, Xenon, LH, LOx, Oxidizer, Karbonite, Karborundum
Harvesting RareMetals, Silicates, Substrate, Water, Karbonite, Karborundum
Life Support ColonySupplies, Fertilizer, Organics, Supplies, Water
Manufacturing Chemcals, Machinery, MaterialKits, Polymers, RefinedExotics, Silicon, SpecializedParts, Alloys, Electronics, Prototypes, Robotics, Synthetics


Modules come in only the 1.25m form factor. They convert standard resources from a biome into WOLF resources. There are several different functions, shown graphically in this diagram created by RoverDude and listed below:

  • Agriculture
  • Bioreactor
  • Extractor
  • Fabricator
  • Habitation
  • Life Support
  • Maintenance
  • Power
  • Refinery
  • Science
  • Transport
  • Waste Recycler

When adding modules to a depot, use the Planner tab on the WOLF Dashboard to know what additional modules are required. The following table identifies which module is required to produce each WOLF resource. Note that some resources can be produced by multiple modules, the difference being the required inputs.

To produce this... Use this module... With these inputs... And these skills... And these other modules
Biomass Agriculture Power, Water, Fertilizer, Dirt Farmer Maintenance
Biomass Waste Recycler Power, CarbonDioxide, Mulch, WasteWater Lab, Maintenance
CarbonDioxide Life Support Power, MaterialKits, Food, Water, Oxygen
Chemicals Bioreactor Power, Biomass Biologist, Technician Lab
Colony Supplies Fabricator Power, Machinery, MaterialKits, SpecializedParts Technician Maintenance
Fertilizer Extractor Power, Gypsum Lab, Maintenance
Food Agriculture Power, Water, Fertilizer, Dirt Farmer Maintenance
Food Bioreactor Biomass Biologist, Engineer, Technician Lab, Maintenance
Food Bioreactor Power, Biomass , Dirt, Water Biologist, Farmer Lab
Fuel Bioreactor Power, Biomass Biologist, Technician Lab
Habitation Habitation Power, MaterialKits
Lab Science Power Kolonist, Medic, Scientist Maintenance
Life Support Life Support Power, MaterialKits, Food, Water, Oxygen
Machinery Fabricator Power, MaterialKits, SpecializedParts Technician Maintenance
Maintenance Maintenance Power, MaterialKits Engineer, Kolonist, Mechanic
MaterialKits Fabricator Power, Chemicals, Metals, Polymers Technician Maintenance
Mulch Life Support Power, MaterialKits, Food, Water, Oxygen
Oxygen Extractor Power, Water Lab, Maintenance
Oxygen Waste Recycler Power, CarbonDioxide, Mulch, WasteWater Lab, Maintenance
Polymers Bioreactor Power, Biomass Biologist, Technician Lab
Power Power Engineer Maintenance
SpecializedParts Fabricator Power, RefinedExotics, Silicon Technician Maintenance
TransportCredits Transport Fuel, MaterialKits Quartermaster, Pilot Maintenance
WasteWater Life Support Power, MaterialKits, Food, Water, Oxygen
Water Extractor Power, Hydrates Lab, Maintenance
Water Waste Recycler Power, CarbonDioxide, Mulch, WasteWater Lab, Maintenance


Terminals allow transport of kerbals from one depot to another, once a crew route has been established. They come in two sizes, 3.75m and 10m.

Size Mass (tons) Crew Capacity
3.75m 11.436 6
10.00m 23.095 12


Each harvester can be configured to extract a single resource. The smaller harvester does not require power but produces less product.

  • WOLF MHU-100 Bulk Harvester
  • WOLF MHU-500 Bulk Harvester

Harvesters extract the following resources (note that other mods may extend this list):

  • Dirt
  • ExoticMinerals
  • Gypsum
  • Hydrates
  • MetallicOre
  • Minerals
  • Ore
  • Oxygen
  • RareMetals
  • Silicates
  • Substrate
  • Water
  • Xenon
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