Support library for interacting with the UQ single sign on system, intended for * servers
npm i @uq-elipse/uq-eait-sso
/// Importing
// ES Modules style
import { SSO } from "@uq-elipse/uq-eait-sso";
// CommonJS style
const SSO = require("@uq-elipse/uq-eait-sso").SSO;
/// In your code...
// Initialise the SSO instance with your server's host
const sso = new SSO("");
// To retrieve user information stored at a given token
sso.getUserInfoPayload("3nwAoSEmnbmXJC5ExlEatxyk63F7bY2M").then(payload => {
// Do something with the user data
The SSO/KVD system is described in more detail in the following links: