PHP bindings for the ultima LTI validation service.
This project uses composer to manage its dependencies. After installing composer; the following commands can get you started:
php composer.phar install
Composer has the ability to pull in dependencies from version control systems. This library can be included in composer with the following configuration; where v1.0.0
is a valid release from this repository.
# composer.json
"repositories": [
"url": "",
"type": "vcs"
"require": {
"UQ-eLIPSE/ultimalib-php": "v1.0.0"
# ./src/app.php
use Elipse\Ultima\LTIValidator;
use Elipse\Ultima\LTIException;
$validator = new LTIValidator("REMOTE_ENDPOINT", "APP_KEY");
$result = $validator->validate("LAUNCH_URL", "LAUNCH_METHOD", "POST_REQUEST_ARRAY");