JavaScript interface checking at runtime
npm install UQ-eLIPSE/taipu
/// Importing
// ES Modules style
import { Taipu, or } from "taipu";
// CommonJS style
const TaipuPackage = require("taipu");
const Taipu = TaipuPackage.Taipu;
const or = TaipuPackage.or;
/// In your code...
// Primitive types are defined using their constructors
const BooleanType = new Taipu("BooleanType", Boolean);
// Other types of object are defined using their constructors as well
const DateType = new Taipu("DateType", Date);
// You can do type unions using the "or" function
// Taipu instances are also acceptable as a type
const StrNumBoolType = new Taipu("StrNumBoolType", or(String, Number, BooleanType));
// To define object interfaces, you can lay them out
const IUser = new Taipu("IUser", {
username: String,
password: String,
fullName: or(String, null),
// `undefined` also fits this object's property value when it doesn't have
// the "dateOfBirth" property
dateOfBirth: or(DateType, undefined)
// To check...
const booleanValue = true;
const numberValue = 42;
const dateObject = new Date();
const userObjectA = {
username: "foo",
password: "bar",
fullName: "Foo Bar"
const userObjectB = {
username: "hello",
password: "world",
fullName: null,
dateOfBirth: new Date(1234567890123)
const userObjectC = {
username: "bad",
password: "user"
BooleanType.validate(booleanValue); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
BooleanType.validate(numberValue); // { propChain: [], success: false, message: 'Taipu("BooleanType"): Value is not of type "boolean"' }
DateType.validate(dateObject); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
DateType.validate(userObjectA); // { propChain: [], success: false, message: 'Taipu("DateType"): Value is not instance of "Date"' }
StrNumBoolType.validate(booleanValue); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
StrNumBoolType.validate(numberValue); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
StrNumBoolType.validate(""+dateObject); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
StrNumBoolType.validate(dateObject); // { propChain: [], success: false, message: 'Taipu("StrNumBoolType"): Value is not of type "(string | number | Taipu("BooleanType"))"' }
IUser.validate(userObjectA); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
IUser.validate(userObjectB); // { propChain: [], success: true, message: undefined }
IUser.validate(userObjectC); // { propChain: [ 'fullName' ], success: false, message: 'Taipu("IUser"): Value is not of type "(string | null)"' }
- Support for array checks
- More documentation
- Tests
Because taipu
is written in TypeScript and exports declaration files, you
should get type support automatically.
While taipu
is compiled down to ES5 syntax and will generally run on most
servers and clients, they will need the following features from ES2015/ES6
polyfilled in your environment if they are not present:
- Symbol
- WeakSet
In some instances taipu
will attempt to produce a string representation of
constructor functions, which depends on the ES2015
Where this is not available a generic label will be used instead.