This is a Python Package which works as an interface to the Azure DevOps API
It is essentially a wrapper for the (horrible to work with) ADO API, and supports OOP principals.
Any resource can be fetched by calling the <resource>.get_by_id()
It also includes a solution for managing resources created by this script, which is extremely useful for testing the creation of random resources. To delete all resources created by this, run the main module with the "--delete-everything" flag.
If you're reading this readme not from the code, here's a link to the github repo
pylint .
mypy . --strict
flake8 --ignore=E501,E126,E121,W503,W504,PBP
bandit -c pyproject.toml -r .
ruff check
black . --line-length 140
python3.11 -m pytest tests/ -vvvv -s