This app translate resumes from DOCX and PDF into a specific DOC format.
To use this you need to install the following dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will also need an API key from OpenAI.
To run this code, simply run the following command:
streamlit run
To recreate the vectorstore that powers the dynamic multi-shot prompting you will need to run the file
- Streamlit - The web framework used
- OpenAI - The AI used
- Travis Barton Consulting - The company that built this
All tests can be found in the tests
- Add names
- remove guesswork on skills
- Add upvote/downvote feature
- Add save feature to S3
- Add paste feature
- Add logins
[ ] Connect to Job Boardnixed for security concerns
- give instructions to only add contract label if it is a contract job
- translate each document into every file type and add to the training data (docx, pdf, txt)