- Project setup with Vite (React project):
npm install vite@latest
- Install Recoil, a central state management library for React:
npm add recoil
- Install Axios for external API communication:
npm install axios
- Install SASS/SCSS for CSS styling:
npm add -D scss
- Install React Router :
npm install react-router-dom localforage match-sorter sort-by
- Set up the environment to use Node.js modules in TypeScript:
npm i @types/node
- Install React Toast Popup library:
npm install react-simple-toasts
- npm install -D eslint
- npm install -D prettier
- VS code Setting -> Search
-> Change Formatter toPrettier - Code formatter
- npm i -D eslint-config-prettier:
Conflict resolver betwwen ESLint and Prettier
- npm i -D eslint-plugin-prettier
Conflict resolver betwwen ESLint and Prettier