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Frame Scheduling

A tiny module which allows run a non-blocking layout many tasks.

  • Fast. Contains low overhead and optimized for running lots of tasks without drop fps
  • Small. 930 B (minified and gzipped). No dependencies. It uses Size Limit to control size.
  • Priority Separate tasks into different priorities. Try to complete priority tasks as quickly as possible.
  • Isomorphic. work in browser and node js.
import frameScheduling, { P_IMPORTANT } from 'frame-scheduling';

frameScheduling(() => { console.log('async task') });


Asynchronous running tasks in JavaScript based on requestAnimationFrame. Supports priority and interrupt execution every 16 milliseconds, to achieve 60fps.


# yarn
yarn add frame-scheduling

# npm
npm install --save frame-scheduling


import frameScheduling, { P_IMPORTANT, P_LOW } from 'frame-scheduling';
const result = [];

frameScheduling(() => { result.push('A') }, { priority: P_LOW })
frameScheduling(() => { result.push('B') })
frameScheduling(() => { result.push('C') }, { priority: P_IMPORTANT })
frameScheduling(() => { result.push('D') }, { priority: 1000 })

// after doing
console.log(result) // > ['D', 'C', 'B', 'A']

perform priority tasks first


import frameScheduling from 'frame-scheduling';

frameScheduling(() => lightFunction()) // light < 1ms exec
frameScheduling(() => heavyFunction()) // heavy > 17ms exec
frameScheduling(() => heavyFunction2()) // heavy > 17ms exec
frameScheduling(() => lightFunction2()) // light < 1ms exec
frameScheduling(() => lightFunction3()) // light < 1ms exec

Runs in frame
| lightFunction
| heavyFunction
    | heavyFunction2
        | lightFunction2
        | lightFunction3

frame-scheduling aims to achieve 60 fps


priority: number = 5

It is possible to set the priority of the function. If the function has a low priority, then each execution skip adds +1 to the priority. Thus, low-priority tasks, when something is done.