Portable Hillerlab solution for generating pairwise genome alignment chains. These chains can be used as input for TOGA or for generating multiz alignments.
Chains explained: http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Chains_Nets
Chain format specification: https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/chain.html
Install nextflow: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/getstarted.html Nextflow requires a java runtime
Then do the following:
git clone [email protected]:hillerlab/make_lastz_chains.git
cd chains_builder
# install python packages (just two)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# download/build all necessary binaries:
The script to be called is make_chains.py
usage: make_chains.py [-h] [--project_dir PROJECT_DIR] [--DEF DEF] [--force_def] [--resume]
[--executor EXECUTOR] [--executor_queuesize EXECUTOR_QUEUESIZE]
[--executor_partition EXECUTOR_PARTITION]
[--cluster_parameters CLUSTER_PARAMETERS] [--seq1_chunk SEQ1_CHUNK]
[--seq2_chunk SEQ2_CHUNK] [--blastz_h BLASTZ_H] [--blastz_y BLASTZ_Y]
[--blastz_l BLASTZ_L] [--blastz_k BLASTZ_K]
[--fill_prepare_memory FILL_PREPARE_MEMORY]
[--chaining_memory CHAINING_MEMORY]
[--chain_clean_memory CHAIN_CLEAN_MEMORY]
target_name query_name target_genome query_genome
Build chains for a given pair of target and query genomes.
positional arguments:
target_name Target genome identifier, e.g. hg38, human, etc.
query_name Query genome identifier, e.g. mm10, mm39, mouse, etc.
target_genome Target genome. Accepted formats are: fasta and 2bit.
query_genome Query genome. Accepted formats are: fasta and 2bit.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--project_dir PROJECT_DIR
Project directory. By default: pwd
--DEF DEF DEF formatted configuration file, please read README.md for details.
--force_def Continue execution if DEF file in the project dir already exists
--resume Resume execution from the last completed step, Please specify
existing --project_dir to use this option
--executor EXECUTOR Cluster jobs executor. Please see README.md to get a list of all
available systems. Default local
--executor_queuesize EXECUTOR_QUEUESIZE
Controls NextFlow queueSize parameter: maximal number of jobs in the
queue (default 2000)
--executor_partition EXECUTOR_PARTITION
Set cluster queue/partition (default batch)
--cluster_parameters CLUSTER_PARAMETERS
Additional cluster parameters, regulates NextFlow clusterOptions
(default None)
--seq1_chunk SEQ1_CHUNK
Chunk size for target sequence (default 175000000)
--seq2_chunk SEQ2_CHUNK
Chunk size for query sequence (default 50000000)
--blastz_h BLASTZ_H BLASTZ_H parameter, (default 2000)
--blastz_y BLASTZ_Y BLASTZ_Y parameter, (default 9400)
--blastz_l BLASTZ_L BLASTZ_L parameter, (default 3000)
--blastz_k BLASTZ_K BLASTZ_K parameter, (default 2400)
--fill_prepare_memory FILL_PREPARE_MEMORY
FILL_PREPARE_MEMORY parameter (default 50000)
--chaining_memory CHAINING_MEMORY
CHAININGMEMORY parameter, (default 50000)
--chain_clean_memory CHAIN_CLEAN_MEMORY
CHAINCLEANMEMORY parameter, (default 100000)
./make_chains.py ${target_genome_id} ${query_genome_id} ${target_genome_sequence} ${query_genome_sequence} --executor ${cluster_management_system} --project_dir test
The pipeline saves the resulting chain file into the "${project_dir}/${target_genome_id}.${query_genome_id}.allfilled.chain.gz" file.
Those are simply strings that differentiate between target and query genome names. For example, hg38 and mm10 will work. Can also be human and mouse, even h and m fits. Technically, any reasonable sequence of letters and numbers should work.
Genome sequences can be provided as fasta or twobit formatted files. Please find 2bit file format specification here.
Warning If your scaffold names are numbered, such as NC_00000.1 please consider removing scaffold numbers (rename NC_00000.1 to NC_00000 or NC_00000__1, for example). Some tools (especially those included in the make_chains workflow) are not able to correctly handle such identifiers. The pipeline will try to trim scaffold numbers automatically to process the data properly. Afterwards, it will rename the scaffolds back.
The chain format does not allow spaces in scaffold names because space is the delimiter character for chain headers. If the pipeline detects spaces in headers: it will crash.
Directory where all steps are to be executed (not mandatory argument) By default pipeline saves all intermediate files in the directory where the pipeline was called. So, it's strongly recommended to specify the project directory.
Executor controls which cluster management system to use. By default the "local" executor is used - the pipeline utilizes only the machine's CPU. To run it on a slurm cluster add --executor slurm option. Please see nextflow documentation to find a list of supported executors.
The pipeline saves the resulting chains file to the project directory specified by the respective parameter. The output file is named as follows: ${target_ID}.${query_ID}.allfilled.chain.gz
To clean the output up:
cd project_dir
Pipeline parameters can be also specified in a configuration file. For backwards compatibility we call it a DEF file. This file has the following structure:
Available keys are:
- FILL_CHAIN: controls whether pipeline executes the fill_chain step or not, possible values are 0 and 1, default 1
- CLEANCHAIN: whether or not execute chain cleaning step, 0/1, default 1.
- CHAINCLEANMEMORY: amount of memory (in Mb) allocated for chain cleaning cluster job, default 100000
- CHAININGMEMORY: amount of memory (in Mb) allocated for chaining job, 50000 is default. ...
Lastz parameters can also be tuned in the DEF file:
- BLASTZ=lastz
- BLASTZ_H=2000
- BLASTZ_Y=9400
- BLASTZ_L=3000
- BLASTZ_K=2400
To read from a DEF file, plase use the --DEF command line argument.
The pipeline collects the parameters from 3 different sources: (1) defaults, (2) command line arguments, (3) DEF file. The same parameter may be tuned in both command line and DEF file, therefore the pipeline uses the following order of precedence: Defaults < DEF file < Command line arguments
For example, if DEF file says SEQ1_CHUNK = 100_000_000 and cmd arg --seq1_chunk equals to 80_000_000 then the final SEQ1_CHUNK value will be 80_000_000 because command line arguments have a higher priority.
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- Osipova E, Hecker N, Hiller M. RepeatFiller newly identifies megabases of aligning repetitive sequences and improves annotations of conserved non-exonic elements. GigaScience, 8(11), giz132, 2019
- Suarez H, Langer BE, Ladde P, Hiller M. chainCleaner improves genome alignment specificity and sensitivity. Bioinformatics, 33(11), 1596-1603, 2017
- Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: Duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes PNAS, 100(20):11484-9, 2003