Lightweight & high performance CPU/GPU machine learning library for .NET, designed for neural network training and inference.
Setting up a neural network for image classification tasks.
// Define the input structure
var inputConfig = new ConvolutionInputConfig
Width = 28, // Image width in pixels
Height = 28, // Image height in pixels
Grayscale = true // True for grayscale images, false for RGB
// Define your networks architecture
var network = new NetworkBuilder(inputConfig)
.Add(new Convolution
Activation = ActivationType.LeakyRelu, // Activation function
KernelSize = 3, // Width/height of convolutional filter
KernelsPerChannel = 32, // Number of filters per input channel
Padding = 1, // Padding added to image borders
Stride = 1 // Step size of the filter
.Add(new Maxpool
PoolSize = 2 // Size of the pooling window
.Add(new Dense
Activation = ActivationType.LeakyRelu, // Activation function for dense layer
Neurons = 128 // Number of neurons in dense layer
.Add(new Dropout
DropoutRate = 0.2f // Dropout rate for regularization
.Add(new Softmax
Neurons = 10 // Number of output classes
Setting up a neural network for regression tasks.
// Define the input structure
var inputConfig = new ConnectedInputConfig()
NumInputs = 32, // Number of inputs
// Define your networks architecture
var network = new NetworkBuilder(inputConfig)
.Add(new Dense
Activation = ActivationType.Sigmoid, // Activation function for dense layer
Neurons = 128 // Number of neurons in dense layer
.Add(new Dense
Activation = ActivationType.Sigmoid, // Activation function for dense layer
Neurons = 32 // Number of neurons in dense layer
Training and testing a neural network
// Define the training parameters
var trainingConfig = new TrainConfig
Epochs = 20, // Total training iterations over dataset
Scheduler = new ExponentialDecay()
InitialLearningRate = 0.001f, // Starting learning rate
DecayRate = 0.05f // Rate at which learning rate decays
Optimizer = new Adam(), // Optimization algorithm
LossFunction = LossFunction.Mse, // Loss function to minimize
BatchSize = 100 // Number of samples per training batch
// Create a CPU trainer
var trainer = new CpuNetworkTrainer(network, trainingConfig);
// Or create a GPU trainer
var trainer = new GpuNetworkTrainer(GpuType.Cuda, 0, net, trainingConfig);
// Initialize the trainable parameters to random values
trainer.InitRandomParameters(); // Randomize model parameters
// Train
var trainData = new List<(float[] input, float[] output)>();
trainer.Train(trainData); // Train model on training data
// Test
var testData = new List<(float[] input, float[] output)>();
trainer.Test(testData, 0.1f); // Test model on test data
Save and load network architecture and parameters.
// Load the network architecture from disk
var network = NetworkConfig.DeserializeFromDisk("./network.json");
// Save the network architecture to disk
// Load the network parameters from disk
// Save the network parameters to disk
// Load the network parameters into an array
float[] parameters = trainer.GetParameters(); // Retrieve network parameters as array
// Load the network parameters from an array
trainer.LoadParameters(parameters); // Load parameters from an array
Common neural network layer configurations.
Configuration for convolutional layer used for feature extraction in image data.
"$type": "convolution", # Specifies layer type as convolutional
"stride": 1, # Filter movement per step
"padding": 1, # Padding pixels around the image border
"kernels_per_channel": 32, # Number of filters per input channel
"kernel_size": 3, # Size of each filter (e.g., 3x3)
"activation": 2 # Activation function type
Configuration for a fully connected (dense) layer used to combine features from previous layers.
"$type": "dense", # Specifies layer type as dense
"activation": 2, # Activation function type
"neurons": 128 # Number of neurons in the dense layer
Configuration for dropout layer used for regularization to prevent overfitting.
"$type": "dropout", # Specifies layer type as dropout
"dropout_rate": 0.2 # Fraction of units to drop
Configuration for max pooling layer used to reduce spatial dimensions.
"$type": "maxpool", # Specifies layer type as max pooling
"pool_size": 2 # Size of the pooling filter
Configuration for softmax layer used in the output for classification tasks.
"$type": "softmax", # Specifies layer type as softmax for output
"neurons": 10 # Number of output classes
Configurable algorithms for optimizing model weights.
Optimizer that adapts learning rate based on a moving window of gradient updates.
"$type": "adadelta", # AdaDelta optimizer type
"rho": 0.1, # Decay rate for squared gradient
"epsilon": 1E-08 # Small constant for numerical stability
Optimizer that adapts learning rates for each parameter based on past gradients.
"$type": "adagrad", # AdaGrad optimizer type
"epsilon": 1E-08 # Small constant for numerical stability
Popular optimizer that combines momentum and adaptive learning rates for fast convergence.
"$type": "adam", # Adam optimizer type
"beta1": 0.9, # Exponential decay rate for first moment
"beta2": 0.999, # Exponential decay rate for second moment
"epsilon": 1E-08 # Small constant for numerical stability
Optimizer that adjusts learning rate by dividing by a running average of gradients.
"$type": "rmsprop", # RMSProp optimizer type
"rho": 0.1, # Decay rate for moving average of squared gradient
"epsilon": 1E-08 # Small constant for numerical stability
Stochastic Gradient Descent, a traditional optimizer using a fixed learning rate.
"$type": "sgd" # Stochastic Gradient Descent optimizer
SGD variant that incorporates momentum to accelerate convergence.
"$type": "sgdmomentum", # SGD with momentum optimizer type
"momentum": 0.1 # Momentum factor to accelerate SGD
Adjust learning rate dynamically during training.
Scheduler with a fixed learning rate across all training epochs.
"$type": "constant", # Constant learning rate scheduler
"lr": 0.01 # Fixed learning rate value
Scheduler that gradually decreases learning rate exponentially over time.
"$type": "exponential_decay", # Exponential decay scheduler
"lr": 0.01, # Initial learning rate
"decay": 0.05 # Decay factor applied per epoch
Scheduler that reduces the learning rate at set intervals during training.
"$type": "step_decay", # Step decay scheduler
"lr": 0.01, # Initial learning rate
"step": 10, # Epoch interval for decay
"decay": 0.5 # Factor by which to decrease learning rate
Functions to calculate error between predicted and true labels.
Loss function used in classification tasks; compares model's predicted probabilities to true class labels.
Mean Squared Error loss function used in regression tasks; measures accuracy by averaging squared prediction errors.
Defines the training parameters and configuration for optimizing the neural network.
"epochs": 20, # Total number of training epochs or iterations over the dataset
"lr_schedule": {
"$type": "exponential_decay", # Type of learning rate scheduler (e.g., exponential decay)
"lr": 0.001, # Initial learning rate to be used at the start of training
"decay": 0.05 # Rate at which the learning rate decreases each epoch
"optimizer": {
"$type": "adam", # Optimization algorithm type (e.g., Adam)
"beta1": 0.9, # Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates (Adam)
"beta2": 0.999, # Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates (Adam)
"epsilon": 1E-08 # Small constant for numerical stability in Adam optimizer
"loss": 0, # Loss function identifier (e.g., 0 for MSE, 1 for CrossEntropy)
"batch": 100 # Size of each batch of data samples during training