Tigai was built to unit test javascript code and was integral for gaining a deeper understanding of how testing frameworks are constructed. It was created alongside a single-page app that was built using plain Javascript and Node, without any frameworks such as Express.
App designed by: Tim Hawkins, Nigel Said, Tim Robinson, Unai Motriko
describe('Basic Tests', function() {
it("Checks if Tim equals Tim", function() {
assert.equal('Tim', 'Tim');
it("Checks if Tim equals Nigel", function() {
assert.equal('Tim', 'Nigel');
it("Expects Tim to not equal Nigel", function() {
assert.notEqual('Tim', 'Nigel');
it("The string 'cats are felines' include 'dogs'", function() {
assert.include('cats are evil', 'dogs');
it("The page has the header 'TESTS'", function() {
assert.idContains('header', 'TESTS');
it("Testing that content updates", function() {
fillIn('box', 'Dave'); // Fills in input box
click('testbutton'); // Clicks submit button
assert.idContains('testheader', 'Dave') // Expects the page to have the new content