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A user Interface based on Vue.js

Vue logo


  • Material Design User Interface
  • COOL visible design for building a data flow
  • Elegant Animations
  • High completion level


Sample User:

For developters: [email protected] | Password:123456

For School Administors: [email protected] | Password:123456

For Students: [email protected] | Password:123456

Demo Link:

Instructions & ScreenShots

For developer

After login the system, UI will look like this


Try it by clicking edit & New & Delete Button

For School Adminisator

After login the system, UI will look like this


Try it by clicking edit & New & Delete Button.

Set up program's data flow

In the Edit/Create dialog's third step, there is something like this


  • As you can see, there are bubbles (We call it dots) on users screen. Blue dots represents this Programs' input which get from student's input and the output score of this flow. So this means the input dots must have a pointer to others and the output must be pointed from other dots.

  • Other dots means a algorithm provided by developers. Users can click the add button in the top toobar to and a dot or delete button, then click a dot to delete one.

  • If a user click a dot, its input setting table will show on the below. And the dot's color will change to orange, which shows this dot is selected.

  • Once a user set all the input of a algorithm, it will change to green, which means this dot is set correctly.

  • All dots are dragable, so if one are setting a huge data flow, they will find this feature is really useful.

For Student

After login the system, UI will look like this


click start to start a prediction.



"core-js": "^3.4.8",
"vue": "^2.6.10",
"vue-d3-network": "^0.1.28",
"vue-material": "^1.0.0-beta-11",
"vuebars": "^0.1.5",
"vuelidate": "^0.7.4"

Set up developing Environment

First: Download a Node.js & Environment

Check to get instructions about how to install it on your OS

Second: Donwload Vue-Cli


npm install -g @vue/cli

Third: Launch Vue-Cli

Clone this repo.

To open this project, please just change your current dictionary of your terminal to the repo's root dictionary

And then,

vue ui

Deploy on your own server

need a web server, like Apache || Nginx || IIS.

just link the index.html will not work since browser's CROS policy may block some essential resources.

Important information about CORS

Check to get information about CROS