- View Details of Every Clipboard Object: View all clipboard format objects currently in use and their contents
- Raw Content Editing: Modify clipboard data at the hexadecimal level, then save the changes back to the clipboard
- Individual Object Removal: Ability to delete individual objects from the clipboard altogether
- Add Custom Formats: Add a new format to the clipboard with a specific name or ID, as well as the data contents
- Data Structure Analysis: Examine the object structure of many supported formats
- Save & Restore: Export and import clipboard contents
- Format Reordering: Rearrange clipboard format priority order
- Binary Data Filetype Detection: Automatic detection of 300+ file types using byte signatures
- View every clipboard format currently in use, including:
- Standard formats (text, images, files)
- Application-specific formats
- System and "synthesized" formats
- Display format details such as:
- Format name and ID
- Data size
- Identify likely "synthesized" formats, meaning the system added them automatically
- Parsed metadata details for certain supported formats like BMP image dimensions
- Visual indicators for known exportable types
- Extra information about underlying data structure
- View the object struct info for certain standard formats such as Bitmap formats (CF_BITMAP, CF_DIB, CF_DIBV5)
- View raw data alongside interpreted text in either UTF-8 or UTF-16
- Edit multiple clipboard objects, then apply pending changes when ready
- Edit clipboard contents at the hexadecimal level
- Real-time plaintext preview of hex edits
- Support for both UTF-8 and UTF-16 encodings
- Or just remove individual objects/formats
- Load raw data directly from files
- Clear clipboard contents entirely
- Rearrange clipboard format priority order
- Export entire clipboard contents as:
- ZIP file
- Folder structure
- Export specific format ranges
- Re-import saved formats from backup
- Add one or multiple data formats to the clipboard
- Specify a custom name or ID number to use for each
- Edit the raw contents of custom formats just like any other, or even use null data
- Timed refresh capability
- Set custom delay for automatic clipboard refresh
- This might be useful to see if an app sets different clipboard data while certain actions are occurring, during which you wouldn't be able to normally click the refresh button
- Progress tracking for format loading
- Debug console available (launch with
argument) - Presentation of underlying data structures for supported formats
- Manually search for specific formats by format ID or name
- If the format was already in the list, it will be updated, or otherwise added
- Good for updating specific formats while preserving the rest
- Text file containing raw data converted to hexadecimal
- Raw data as binary file
- Some non-standard formats such as PNG just contain the entire file as the raw data, so in such cases exporting it as a file would result in the working PNG image
- Native file export for certain formats
- Example: The three native bitmap formats (CF_BITMAP, CF_DIB, CF_DIBV5) don't directly contain the same data that would be found by opening a
file, but rather the image data as well as other struct metadata. But the app will use the Native Windows API to output each format to a BMP file, and each may be slightly different despite supposedly containing the same image data.
- Example: The three native bitmap formats (CF_BITMAP, CF_DIB, CF_DIBV5) don't directly contain the same data that would be found by opening a
- Export a list of all registered clipboard format names on the system
- See the info stored by Windows in the clipboard history (if enabled)
- For each item in the history, see which formats are available, and preview each
- Ability to delete items from the clipboard history, and make any as the active item
- Only requires Visual Studio 2022
- At the moment there are no external dependencies beyond the .NET Framework 4.8 built into windows (no need to download anything extra, install any Nuget packages, etc)
- Open the "Solution" file (
) with Visual Studio 2022- The entire solution/project is included with the repo, so after opening it should be ready to compile and run immediately after opening it
- Optional: Choose the build "configuration" mode (Either
)- The Debug configuration is for during development, and you'll notice the app will have an additional menu called
with some various options and modes that do not appear in release mode, and an additional label in the UI with some layout info at the top. Debugging menu examples:- An option to have the tooltip show the dimensions and location coordinates of Windows Forms controls when hovering over them, like when debugging scaling or layout issues
- A "Test" button you can use to run miscelaneous code you can put in that button's event handler
- A button used to parse the table from a wikipedia page containing file signatures and convert it to JSON, so it can be used as an embedded reference by the program
- The Debug configuration is for during development, and you'll notice the app will have an additional menu called
- Compile by going to
(top menu) >Build Solution
, or if in Debug configuration,Debug
>Start Debugging
(Or just click the toolbar button that says "Start" with the green triangle)