The EDC provider allows Terraform to manage EDC resources.
Setup local development environment
1- Find your
using the following command:go env GOBIN
If nothing prompt, you can use the standard format, which is
. 2- Update your$HOME/.terraformrc
file with this configuration:provider_installation { dev_overrides { "think-it-labs/edc" = "/Users/<Username>/go/bin" } direct {} }
3- In the project directory, run the following command:
go install .
4- Deploy the EDC connectors using
using the following command:docker-compose up -d
The terraform provider in action
1- Add the provider declaration in the
file, that you should create:terraform { required_providers { edc = { source = "Think-iT-Labs/edc" } } } provider "edc" { token = "1234" addresses = { default = "http://localhost:29193/api" management = "http://localhost:29193/api/v1/data" protocol = "http://localhost:29193/api/v1/ids" public = "http://localhost:29193/public" control = "http://localhost:29193/control" } }
2- Add the following block in the
file:resource "edc_asset" "s3" { asset = { "asset:prop:name" : "S3 with generated id", "asset:prop:contenttype" : "application/json", } data = { s3 = { name = "test" bucket_name = "test" access_key_id = "dummy_key" secret_access_key = "dummy_key" } } } resource "edc_policy" "policy" { id = "abcdPolicy" policy = { uid = "231802-bb34-11ec-8422-0242ac120002", permissions = [ { edctype = "dataspaceconnector:permission", target = "assetId", action = { type = "USE" }, } ] } } resource "edc_contract_definition" "name" { access_policy_id = contract_policy_id = validity = 600 criteria = [ { operand_left = "asset:prop:id" operator = "=" operand_right = } ] }
3- Run the example by running the following command:
terraform apply
For more information, you can check the docs
folder to see more detailed examples.