This is a minimal functional messenger chat bot.
It is writtin on nodejs (express) and deployable on heroku.
It is meant for a fast workshop.
Once the workshop is done you can continue your bot development refering to official docs
Official step by step You will need:
- A public ssl protected server
- A facebook app
- A facebook page In your code the action matching a GET /webhook must compare a shared token (verifyToken) between your app and your facebook app.
There is only one source file: index.js
Once configured and the webhook validated, upon the end user writting a message to your facebook page, it will be transfered to your app via POST /webhook.
The recieved data have as mime-type json/application and contains an array of entries each entry contain an array of a messaging event.
The messaging event schema may vary from one to an other, you can find more about theme here!
Each entry represent from where the data were recieved (in our case it is the facebook page). Messaging events are grouped for performance reason.
Depending of the message recived you will be adding some logic to your app, ending probably by sending a reply.
You can now respond to the user via faceook.
To do that just emit an authenticated POST json/application request to, the body of your request will contain the id -within your page scope- of the fb-user and a message.
The message vary depending of the elements you are willing to display, you can check the full list here