This is a serverside project of Cucumber Market.
Before you continue, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have installed at least the version of Java 8 or later.
- You are using a Linux or Mac OS or Widnows machine.
- You don't need to have a basic understanding of Spring.
$ git clone
$ cd ~/cucumbersever
$ java -jar cucumbermarket-spring-0.0.1s-SNAPSHOT.jar
This description is based on using IntelliJ IDEA
install IntelliJ
run application with build.gradle
- File -> Open -> cucumberserver
- select build.gradle
- open
Go to cucumberserver/src/main/java/cucumber/market/cucumbermarketspring/
Run Application
Go to cucumberserver/src/main/resources/application.yml
- none: No change to the database structure.
- update: Hibernate changes the database according to the given Entity structures. - 변경된 스키마만 적용한다.
- validate: 변경된 스키마가 있는지 확인만 한다. 만약 변경이 있다면 Application을 종료한다.
- create: Creates the database every time, but don’t drop it when close. - 시작될 때만 drop하고 다시 생성한다.
- create-drop: Creates the database then drops it when the SessionFactory closes. - 시작과 종료에서 모두 drop한다.