Our project is about a web service providing information to the users of travelling. Users can search for any area in South Korea and get useful information from it. By commenting and rating on the places where I've visited, other users can find the best place they are looking for. We also provide making a list of places that the user can keep the places they want to see consistently. Furthermore, we built our own reservation services from accommodations. Users can make a book of their staying at a hotel or something before they go to travel.
This is our list of major frameworks and tools we built this project.
- React / TypeScript
- django / Python
- netlify
- heroku
- slack
Client side : https://github.com/Tripandbnb/TripNbnb-project/tree/master/client_side
Server side : https://github.com/Tripandbnb/TripNbnb-project/tree/master/server_side
- We still got to-do issues relating to CORS errors. When the backend server's DEBUG mode is False, we've got a CORS error and the server doesn't work properly.