tinyfeed is a CLI tool that generate a static HTML page from a collection of feeds.
It's dead simple, no database, no config file, just a CLI and some HTML
Give it a list of RSS, Atom or JSON feeds urls and it will generate a single HTML page for
it. Then you can effortlessly set it up in crond
or openrc
and voilà, you’ve
got yourself an webpage that aggregate your favorite feeds.
- RSS, Atom and JSON feeds are all supported thanks to the awesome gofeed library
- Highly customizable, especially with the ability to use external stylesheet and templates.
- Dark / Light theme based on system preference
- Generated page is lightweight and fully accessible
- Support a daemon mode to re-generate the output periodically
The CLI app is design to work with basic pipelining and stdout redirections.
Tinyfeed expect a list of space or carriage-return separated feeds urls as argument.
tinyfeed [FEED_URL ...] [flags]
single feed tinyfeed lovergne.dev/rss.xml > index.html
multiple feeds cat feeds.txt | tinyfeed > index.html
daemon mode tinyfeed --daemon -i feeds.txt -o index.html
-D, --daemon Whether to execute the program in a daemon mode.
-d, --description string Add a description after the name of your page
-h, --help help for tinyfeed
-i, --input string Path to a file with a list of feeds.
-I, --interval int Duration in minutes between execution. Ignored if not in daemon mode. (default 1440)
-l, --limit int How many articles to display (default 256)
-n, --name string Title of the page. (default "Feed")
-o, --output string Path to a file to save the output to.
-q, --quiet Add this flag to silence warnings.
-r, --requests int How many simulaneous requests can be made (default 16)
-s, --stylesheet string Path to an external CSS stylesheet
-t, --template string Path to a custom HTML+Go template file.
-T, --timeout int timeout to get feeds in seconds (default 15)
cat feeds | tinyfeed > /tmp/tinyfeed && mv /tmp/tinyfeed /path/to/index.html
# OR
cat feeds | tinyfeed -o /path/to/index.html
You can download the official binaries from the releases page. Currently only arm64 architecture on Linux, Mac and Windows, is supported. If you need something else than that, please open an issue and I will add it to the releases process.
Here is a quick example of how to install the binary for linux:
wget https://github.com/TheBigRoomXXL/tinyfeed/releases/latest/download/tinyfeed_linux_arm64
chmod +x tinyfeed_linux_arm64
sudo mv tinyfeed_linux_arm64 /usr/local/bin/tinyfeed
tinyfeed --help
If you are on Alpine you also need to install gcompat to fix the usual musl / glibc compatibility issues.
apk add gcompat
go install github.com/TheBigRoomXXL/tinyfeed@latest
docker run thebigroomxxl/tinyfeed --help
This is a simple example of how to run tinyfeed in a docker container. This will mount an entire directory, if you want to bind only the input/output files instead you will have use bind mounts.
docker run --restart unless-stopped -v /your/path:/app thebigroomxxl/tinyfeed --daemon -i feeds.txt -o index.html
Docker compose equivalent:
image: thebigroomxxl/tinyfeed
command: --daemon -i feeds.txt -o index.html
- ./dev:/app
restart: unless-stopped
Here is a simple systemd service file to run tinyfeed when your system start and
update the page every 12 hours. With this setup you can edit the feeds list at
and the output will be updated after the next run.
With the output file at ~/index.html
you can access it locally at file:///home/<USER>/index.html
If, instead, you want to serve it with a web server you can move it to the web server root directory.
# /etc/systemd/system/tinyfeed.service
Description=tinyfeed service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/tinyfeed --daemon -i feeds.txt -o index.html -I 720
If you have SELinux enabled you will need to allow systemd to execute binaries in the usr/local/bin
directory with the following commands:
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t /usr/local/bin
sudo chcon -Rv -u system_u -t bin_t /usr/local/bin
sudo restorecon -R -v /usr/local/bin
You can provide you own template for page generation. For an exemple template check out the built-in one. To learn about HTML+Go template check the official documentation.
Inside you template you will have access to data with the following struct and functions:
type data struct {
Metadata map[string]string
Items []*gofeed.Item
Feeds []*gofeed.Feed
func publication(item *gofeed.Item) string
func domain(item *gofeed.Item) string
You have created a page with tinyfeed and you want to share it? You can open a merge request or an issue to add it to the demo section.
If you need anything related to this project wether it's' just giving feedback, help to understand something or feature request just open a issue on this repos.
The project was heavily inspired by the awesomely simple tinystatus and message boards like Lobste.rs and Hacker News.
Thank you @MariaLetta for the awesome free-gophers-pack wich I adapted for the banner.