Fitness Tracker is a tool for Elders to see fitness by counting the number of steps, temperature, and heart rate then sending it to the cloud. The microcontroller used is Arduino Nano to read sensors and Wemos D1 Mini to display displays via OLED and send to cloud (thingspeak). The sensors used are MPU-050 to get the number of steps, LM35 to get body temperature, and pulse sensors to get bpm.
- Upload Fitness_Trackerv2.1.ino to Arduino Nano
- Upload Fitness_Tracker_Sendv2.1.ino Wemos D1 Mini
- Make the connection as shown below (Image in progress)
- Print Laser Cut Files (File in progress)
- Ivy Averina
- M Falih
- Thariq Ramadhan - ThariqRamadhan101
- Ir. Farkhad Ihsan Hariadi M.Sc.