This is a simple paradigm of a labyrinth generator. access it here
This repository is still in an early stage and will probably continue by making a small memory game where the user will have to remember where the tiles are and move to the target area.
Right now it just generates a puzzle NxN tiles with X obstacles. It checks everytime it adds an obstacle if the puzzle is solvable. If it isn't it just selects a different obstacle and adds it. If you want to play with it and the values go ahead and get broswerify and the typescript transpiler
basic commands to get started:
tsc ./src/Labyrinth/index.ts
this transpiles Javascript to Typescript then:
browserify ./src/Labyrinth/index.js > ./bundle.js
To create bundle.js which eventually gets loaded in the broswer. To play with configuration values check index.ts where the options are:
const OPTIONS = {
end: {
x: 4,
y: 7
player: {
x: 4,
y: 0
obstacles: 40,
board_size: 10
Inspiration was a game called Shattered pixel dungeon where on the 2nd boss you would have to go through a puzzle labyrinth game where poison would hit you if you fell on certain tiles. I was wondering how such labyrinth would be constructed so i tried implementing one on my own.