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Vulcan provides Furya off-chain functionality. The Vulcan uses furyacli home for sending messages to blockchain.
You should provide furyacli home directory to this service. The Vulcan will use it for transactions signing.



Local image

make image
docker run -it --rm -e "HTTP_HOST=" -e "HTTP_PORT=7070" -e "LOG_LEVEL=debug" -p "7080:7070" vulcan-local

From source

go run cmd/vulcan/main.go \ \
    --http.port=8080 \
    --http.request-timeout 10s \
    --log.level=debug \
    --postgres="host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=root sslmode=disable" \
    --postgres.migrations="scripts/migrations/postgres" \
    --mandrill.api_key="MANDRILL_SUCCESS" \
    --mandrill.email_verification_subject="Email confirmation" \
    --mandrill.email_verification_template_name="confirmation" \
    --mandrill.email_welcome_subject="Welcome" \
    --mandrill.email_welcome_template_name="welcome" \
    --mandrill.from_name="furya noreply" \
    --mandrill.from_email="[email protected]" \
    --blockchain.node="" \
    --blockchain.from="zeus" \
    --blockchain.tx_memo="you're beautiful" \



CLI param Environment var Default Required Description HTTP_HOST true host to bind server
http.port HTTP_PORT 8080 true port to listen
http.request-timeout HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 45s false request processing timeout
http.recaptcha_secret HTTP_RECAPTCHA_SECRET true recaptcha secret
postgres POSTGRES host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=root sslmode=disable true postgres dsn
postgres.max_open_connections POSTGRES_MAX_OPEN_CONNECTIONS 0 true postgres maximal open connections count, 0 means unlimited
postgres.max_idle_connections POSTGRES_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS 5 true postgres maximal idle connections count
postgres.migrations POSTGRES_MIGRATIONS /migrations/postgres true postgres migrations directory
mandrill.api_key MANDRILL_API_KEY true api key
mandrill.verification_email_subject MANDRILL_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT - Verification false subject for verification emails
mandrill.verification_email_template_name MANDRILL_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME true mandrill's verification template to be sent
mandrill.welcome_email_subject MANDRILL_WELCOME_EMAIL_SUBJECT - Verification false subject for welcome emails
mandrill.welcome_email_template_name MANDRILL_WELCOME_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NAME true mandrill's welcome template to be sent
mandrill.from_name MANDRILL_FROM_NAME false name for emails sender
mandrill.from_email MANDRILL_FROM_NAME [email protected] true email for emails sender
blockchain.node BLOCKCHAIN_NODE true furya node address
blockchain.from BLOCKCHAIN_FROM true furya account name to send stakes
blockchain.tx_memo BLOCKCHAIN_TX_MEMO false furya tx's memo
blockchain.chain_id BLOCKCHAIN_CHAIN_ID testnet true furya chain id
blockchain.client_home BLOCKCHAIN_CLIENT_HOME ~/.furyacli true furyacli home directory
blockchain.keyring_backend BLOCKCHAIN_KEYRING_BACKEND test true furyacli keyring backend
blockchain.keyring_prompt_input BLOCKCHAIN_KEYRING_PROMPT_INPUT false furyacli keyring prompt input
blockchain.gas BLOCKCHAIN_GAS 10 false gas amount
blockchain.fee BLOCKCHAIN_FEE 1ufury false transaction fee
blockchain.initial_stake BLOCKCHAIN_INITIAL_STAKE 1000000 true stakes count to be sent, 1DEC = 1000000 uFUR
referral.threshold_pdv REFERRAL_THRESHOLD_PDV 100 true how many uPDV a user should obtain to get a referral reward
referral.threshold_days REFERRAL_THRESHOLD_DAYS 30 true how many days a user should wait to get a referral reward
supply.native_node SUPPLY_NATIVE_NODE true native rest node address
supply.erc20_node SUPPLY_ERC20_NODE true erc20 node address
log.level LOG_LEVEL info false level of logger (debug,info,warn,error)
sentry.dsn SENTRY_DSN sentry dsn
slack.hook-url SLACK_HOOK_URL false slack hook url SLACK_CHANNEL alerts-dloan false slack channel


CLI param Environment var Default Required Description
postgres POSTGRES host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=root sslmode=disable true postgres dsn
postgres.max_open_connections POSTGRES_MAX_OPEN_CONNECTIONS 0 true postgres maximal open connections count, 0 means unlimited
postgres.max_idle_connections POSTGRES_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS 5 true postgres maximal idle connections count
postgres.migrations POSTGRES_MIGRATIONS /migrations/postgres true postgres migrations directory
blockchain.node BLOCKCHAIN_NODE true furya node address
blockchain.from BLOCKCHAIN_FROM true furya account name to send stakes
blockchain.tx_memo BLOCKCHAIN_TX_MEMO false furya tx's memo
blockchain.chain_id BLOCKCHAIN_CHAIN_ID testnet true furya chain id
blockchain.client_home BLOCKCHAIN_CLIENT_HOME ~/.furyacli true furyacli home directory
blockchain.keyring_backend BLOCKCHAIN_KEYRING_BACKEND test true furyacli keyring backend
blockchain.keyring_prompt_input BLOCKCHAIN_KEYRING_PROMPT_INPUT false furyacli keyring prompt input
blockchain.gas BLOCKCHAIN_GAS 10 false gas amount
blockchain.fee BLOCKCHAIN_FEE 1ufury false transaction fee
blockchain.grpc_node_url BLOCKCHAIN_GRPC_NODE_URL false GRPC endpoint url
referral.threshold_pdv REFERRAL_THRESHOLD_PDV 0.000100 true how many uPDV a user should obtain to get a referral reward
referral.threshold_days REFERRAL_THRESHOLD_DAYS 30 true how many days a user should wait to get a referral reward
log.level LOG_LEVEL info false level of logger (debug,info,warn,error)
sentry.dsn SENTRY_DSN sentry dsn



Update vendors

Use make vendor

Install required for development tools

You can check all tools existence with make check-all or force installing them with make install-all

golangci-lint 1.29.0

Use make install-linter

swagger v0.25.0

Use make install-swagger

gomock v1.4.3

Use make install-mockgen

Build docker image

Use make image to build local docker image named vulcan-local

Build binary

Use make build to build for your OS or use make linux to build for linux(used in make image)

Run tests

Use make test to run tests. Also you can run tests with integration tag with make fulltest


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Contributors 4
