TencentCloud Monitor Grafana App 2.5.0
[2.5.0] - 2022-02-15
The plugin adds Cloud Log Service data source, the old version will not be maintained afterwards.
- New
Cloud Log Service
data source switch is added to the data source setting page, which supports using with `Cloud monitoring data source at the same time. - Log service supports querying data content of different log topic IDs at the same time.
- Log retrieval and analysis
- Retrieval: Users can input Lucene statements to query the content of logs that meet the conditions. The related search syntax and sample are shown in the document Log Retrieval.
- Analysis: Using the SQL statistics capability provided by the log service, the collected logs can be analyzed and the analysis results can be displayed in the form of graphs. See the documentation Log Analysis for analysis syntax and samples.
- Analysis scenarios do not require input fields to use locality and are automatically inferred based on the data type of the query results.