Lecture Assistant is a tool to support students who take online classes. It provides not only voice dictation and handwriting dictation but also mapping those two. Students can relive their burden on taking online classes and easily review what they've learned.
We are using Google api so you need to download it for using our Lecture Assistant.
This is a link to Google speech-to-text api.
Apache PDFBox This is a link to Apache PDFBox. PDFBox is used for PDFandImage Class.
Recommand to use JDK 13.0.2 This is a link to download jdk13.0.2
JRE 1.8 for GUI We are using JRE 1.8 for GUI.
Please enable stereo mix on your computer. This link let you know how to enble stereo mix. If you still have a problem, this link will help you out.
Select the range of screen size of your video lecture. This range will make screenshot files which will be used to compare with the original pdf file. You can easily adjust the size of the green square using dragging your mouse.
Select .pdf file on your computer.
Select .json file on your computer. It is a Google Api speech-to-text Key File.
You should select what a lecture's language is.
Press Start button.
Press EIXT button. Now you get a completed lecture pdf note!
- case 1
- case 2
- case 3
This project adheres to Lecture-Assistant's code of conduct. We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs. You can see the specific README.md in each brach which helps you understand the details.