PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Before you submit a Pull Request to this repository, post about what you want to submit in Discussions first! PLEASE!
This is the official development repository for the successor to Sonic Worlds Delta.
This uses Godot 4.3 to implement a 2D Sonic the Hedgehog-like framework, intended for use in creating fangame projects and original game projects. Like Godot, the code within this repository is provided under the MIT License. if you use godot 3 use the Godot 3 Branch here, but please be aware that it isn't actively developed.
Found a problem with the code? Please use the Issues tab! But see if it hasn't been reported yet to prevent duplicate reports.
Want to discuss the project and ask questions? Please use the Discussions tab, or ask in the official threads on SFGHQ or Sonic Retro.