Releases: TRUMPF-IoT/C-DEngine
Releases · TRUMPF-IoT/C-DEngine
C-DEngine 6.112.2 - Dec 2024 Update
C-DEngine 6.112.0 - December 2024
Updated Code Certificate
New PINs System
New ThingGroup
New NMI Features
C-DEngine 6.104.0 - April 2024 First Version 6 Release
Now supporting .NET Standard 2.1
New Pin Management on Things
Improved NMI Editor Model
Native OPC UA Type integration
C-DEngine 5.182.0 - February 2024
February 2024 Version (#99) * Many Sonarcloud code smell fixes * Only keep SendBuffer in memory in case there are messages to send * Force Dispose of ASP.NET Core WebSocket * Avoid ArgumentOutOfRangeException in DateTimeOffset initialization * More code smells removed * Removal of WSCS no longer inside CDE * More SonarCloud Cleanup * Fix for propert update of Sub-Properties in NMI Screens; Fix for creation of properties from class if class contains collections; * security fix for scopid on page checking for known scope * Beginning of support for Meadow board * OPC UA Attributes for UAVariable and UAHAVariable * More support for Meadow * Drop WR and disable config files for Meadow * IsFeather option * Fx to ensure UA Attributes are applied to non-mandatory properties; new cdeFOC flag to prevent ThingRegistry writes to disk for highspeed properties. * Null pointer fix; EngineName added to DeviceTypeAttribute - used by OPC UA NodeSet Client * new OPC UA Twin Base Thing for things with dual Connectors * Access to OldValue in cdeP; OPCUA Attributes for write and hidefromanonymous * TXT for HandleMessage as consts * OldValue not serialized * Fix for SetSetting() not applied correctly * New event b4 Form Meta Sending to Browser * Typo fix and prep for NMI editor * Better support for ReloadAfterLogout; NMI Model support for DefaultPortal of Plugin; Support for Portal Page Faceplates * Set default HomeScreen in User Profile * FitToScreen option * Inner Form ClassName * More flexible FacePlate Macros * Copyright update * Copyright * New event fired before a resource is sent to the NMI allowing plugins to modify static pages before sending to the NMI * Fix for HomeScreen by CDEDL Url Path * New ThingGroup for Group Screens and Overviews * Fix for Pin based Login * Pin connection API * New Pins, Groups and Thing extensions * New NMI Editor Coming * NMI Update for saving online NMI Screen modifications * Bigger property table * Better support for Dynamic Model Changes in preperation of the new NMI Editor Pin Connector Model for NMI Runtime in Preview New Reference to ThingBase in TheThing in order to manage Things based on TheThiingBase - required for NMI Editor * Thing Group improv * Redpillshift * new Numeric Html Macro with Digits option * New OPCUABaseAttribute - base for all UA Types * FlexibleNMI Screen API optimization; cdeASPNET for net6 and net7 * NMI Group API, Allow delete rule by RuleMID * Small possible Null Pointer exception during shutdown * Change of OPC UA Namespace for Pins * UAAttributes for UA Property Definition now on Classes allowed Breaking change: UANodeId changed to UATypeNodeId * new NMI Log option for ThingBase; fix for Properties-from-Class * Fix for PropertyChange event with forms containing multiple elements with same DataItem; Fix for Storage Historian Chart reference; Typo fixes in Documentation * Fix for duplicate cdeFixupFileName * New ICDEProperty Interface for better Properties of Properties management * New NMI Editor: Add and Delete of Controls to GroupThing in Preview Support for update of Fields with different Owner Thing in Forms new OPC UA Thing - moved all OPC UA releated classes to new cdeUAThing.cs Preview of TheThingGroup: HMI Screen Support within the NMI * fix for cdeASPNET only NET6 support for now * Update dotnetcore.yml: .Net 7 * cdeASPNet: Build for .Net7 again * Fix aspnetcore.csproj * Fix for licensing * NMI Editor improvements * Fix for Bernd; Fix for NMI no longer updating table content; new Pin Functions * NMI Editor improvements * Some minor exception fixes in TheQueuedSender; NMI Editor Improvements new eventPluginStarted event allowing to wait for a specific Engine to start * NMI Updates * Fix for reset of content-type if in header and property * NMI Code Cleanup; Removed depreciated methods; Disable NMI Editor in Cloud * Code Cleanup; Disable NMI Editor in Cloud * New Rule options for triggering rules only every xx seconds * Updater support for .NET7 * Depreciation of Loging in Rules engine - moved to ICDELoggerEngine * Stage One Removal of depreciated Methods (Commented out. in stage 2 we will remove the code completely) Support for TimeSpan Property * NMI Editor Cleanup and better handling * Support for backup of Cache folder for NetStandard * Cleanup of Obsolete code * Removal of old NET45 pragmas; SonarCloud Warnings removed; * Test: add SerializeObjectToJSONStringWithCycleTest * RecordsLock cleanup * NMI Editor Enhancements; Code Cleanup; Improvements in conjunctio with Provisioning Service and Mesh Manager * fix for custom plugins from host not loading * WriteToNMILog adjusted to same parameters as SetMessage for easier transition; Update to latest Nuget References * Added .net8 to workflow * Code Cleanup * ASPNET to .net8 * Solve ArgumentOutOfRangeException calling TheCDEEngines.StartEngines * Gitignor * Azure Key Vault Signing Support for future HSMaaS * typo fix * Improved Pin Management * Fix for FitToScreen calculation Pin Lines in ThingGroup * Pin NMI Tuning * pin tuning * PinStyle tuning (not final) * style fix * Better Startup logging on errors NMI Model Improvments * Safe Settings Management * Imrpoved Certificate logging * using cleanup * Proper Locking for ThePropertyBag * Automatic Pin line drawing in ThinGroups * Remove of AzureSign Folder * fixed signme * signme fix * signme * Fix for Linux plugin Updates * Fix for Backup/Restore under linux * Fix for .NET Core on Android 14 * Fix for null exception during thing retreival Updated SOE header for CDE Sites * Change from Cloud Init to Relay Init * Shutdown Reason Added Better collection of nugets for 3rd party solutions * ignore local nugets * fix for possible null pointer on slow devices * Update dotnetcore.yml * Update dotnetcore.yml * lic update * lic update to 2024 --------- Co-authored-by: Chris Muench <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Bernd Brachmaier | AUNOVIS <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: MarkusHorstmann <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Markus Horstmann <[email protected]>
C-DEngine 5.172.2 Small fixes
Fixed Backup/Restore under Linux/Docker
C-DEngine 5.172.1 - Linux Update fix
fix for Plugin Update on Linux (#97) * Many Sonarcloud code smell fixes * Only keep SendBuffer in memory in case there are messages to send * Force Dispose of ASP.NET Core WebSocket * Avoid ArgumentOutOfRangeException in DateTimeOffset initialization * More code smells removed * Removal of WSCS no longer inside CDE * More SonarCloud Cleanup * Fix for propert update of Sub-Properties in NMI Screens; Fix for creation of properties from class if class contains collections; * security fix for scopid on page checking for known scope * Beginning of support for Meadow board * OPC UA Attributes for UAVariable and UAHAVariable * More support for Meadow * Drop WR and disable config files for Meadow * IsFeather option * Fx to ensure UA Attributes are applied to non-mandatory properties; new cdeFOC flag to prevent ThingRegistry writes to disk for highspeed properties. * Null pointer fix; EngineName added to DeviceTypeAttribute - used by OPC UA NodeSet Client * new OPC UA Twin Base Thing for things with dual Connectors * Access to OldValue in cdeP; OPCUA Attributes for write and hidefromanonymous * TXT for HandleMessage as consts * OldValue not serialized * Fix for SetSetting() not applied correctly * New event b4 Form Meta Sending to Browser * Typo fix and prep for NMI editor * Better support for ReloadAfterLogout; NMI Model support for DefaultPortal of Plugin; Support for Portal Page Faceplates * Set default HomeScreen in User Profile * FitToScreen option * Inner Form ClassName * More flexible FacePlate Macros * Copyright update * Copyright * New event fired before a resource is sent to the NMI allowing plugins to modify static pages before sending to the NMI * Fix for HomeScreen by CDEDL Url Path * New ThingGroup for Group Screens and Overviews * Fix for Pin based Login * Pin connection API * New Pins, Groups and Thing extensions * New NMI Editor Coming * NMI Update for saving online NMI Screen modifications * Bigger property table * Better support for Dynamic Model Changes in preperation of the new NMI Editor Pin Connector Model for NMI Runtime in Preview New Reference to ThingBase in TheThing in order to manage Things based on TheThiingBase - required for NMI Editor * Thing Group improv * Redpillshift * new Numeric Html Macro with Digits option * New OPCUABaseAttribute - base for all UA Types * FlexibleNMI Screen API optimization; cdeASPNET for net6 and net7 * NMI Group API, Allow delete rule by RuleMID * Small possible Null Pointer exception during shutdown * Change of OPC UA Namespace for Pins * UAAttributes for UA Property Definition now on Classes allowed Breaking change: UANodeId changed to UATypeNodeId * new NMI Log option for ThingBase; fix for Properties-from-Class * Fix for PropertyChange event with forms containing multiple elements with same DataItem; Fix for Storage Historian Chart reference; Typo fixes in Documentation * Fix for duplicate cdeFixupFileName * New ICDEProperty Interface for better Properties of Properties management * New NMI Editor: Add and Delete of Controls to GroupThing in Preview Support for update of Fields with different Owner Thing in Forms new OPC UA Thing - moved all OPC UA releated classes to new cdeUAThing.cs Preview of TheThingGroup: HMI Screen Support within the NMI * fix for cdeASPNET only NET6 support for now * Update dotnetcore.yml: .Net 7 * cdeASPNet: Build for .Net7 again * Fix aspnetcore.csproj * Fix for licensing * NMI Editor improvements * Fix for Bernd; Fix for NMI no longer updating table content; new Pin Functions * NMI Editor improvements * Some minor exception fixes in TheQueuedSender; NMI Editor Improvements new eventPluginStarted event allowing to wait for a specific Engine to start * NMI Updates * Fix for reset of content-type if in header and property * NMI Code Cleanup; Removed depreciated methods; Disable NMI Editor in Cloud * Code Cleanup; Disable NMI Editor in Cloud * New Rule options for triggering rules only every xx seconds * Updater support for .NET7 * Depreciation of Loging in Rules engine - moved to ICDELoggerEngine * Stage One Removal of depreciated Methods (Commented out. in stage 2 we will remove the code completely) Support for TimeSpan Property * NMI Editor Cleanup and better handling * Support for backup of Cache folder for NetStandard * Cleanup of Obsolete code * Removal of old NET45 pragmas; SonarCloud Warnings removed; * Test: add SerializeObjectToJSONStringWithCycleTest * RecordsLock cleanup * NMI Editor Enhancements; Code Cleanup; Improvements in conjunctio with Provisioning Service and Mesh Manager * fix for custom plugins from host not loading * WriteToNMILog adjusted to same parameters as SetMessage for easier transition; Update to latest Nuget References * Added .net8 to workflow * Code Cleanup * ASPNET to .net8 * Solve ArgumentOutOfRangeException calling TheCDEEngines.StartEngines * Gitignor * Azure Key Vault Signing Support for future HSMaaS * typo fix * Improved Pin Management * Fix for FitToScreen calculation Pin Lines in ThingGroup * Pin NMI Tuning * pin tuning * PinStyle tuning (not final) * style fix * Better Startup logging on errors NMI Model Improvments * Safe Settings Management * Imrpoved Certificate logging * using cleanup * Proper Locking for ThePropertyBag * Automatic Pin line drawing in ThinGroups * Remove of AzureSign Folder * fixed signme * signme fix * signme * Fix for Linux plugin Updates --------- Co-authored-by: Chris Muench <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Bernd Brachmaier | AUNOVIS <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: MarkusHorstmann <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Markus Horstmann <[email protected]>
C-DEngine 5.172.0 - December 2023
Updated Code Signing Certificate for 2024
New Pin Model
Cleanup and fixes
C-DEngine 5.171.2
Fixed recompression
C-DEngine 5.171.1 - small fixes
New Readme in Nugets
DateTime Fix
C-DEngine 5.171.0 - November 2023
Code Cleanup
.NET8 support
removal of obsolete functions
new HMI Model in NMI