Release 369
Bug Fixes
[#12492 ] Instructor edit sessions page: Fix preview sessions button overflow (@Zxun2 )
[#12477 ] Instructor edit sessions page: Fix add question button overflow. (@singhabhyudita )
[#12456 ] Massive string is not correctly treated (@LarsGielen )
[#12428 ] Notifications box overlaps with the page menu in the instructor help page (@techMedMau )
[#12419 ] Instructor getting started page: Fix scroll to top (@itsAfnanAlam )
[#12411 ] Admin logs page: Fix display of logs table on mobile (@yash29896 )
[#12408 ] Fix deleted feedback sessions table overflow (@Sho-Shoo )
[#12409 ] Instructor editing feedback path of a question: unnecessary scrollbars (@athakaras )
[#12406 ] Modify minimum page height to factor in footer height (@ryalin )
[#12405 ] Instructor students page: accessibility issue for course summary headers (@athakaras )
[#12389 ] Instructor courses page: fix margin of copy instructors from other courses modal on mobile (@b-walton )
[#12401 ] Extension Confirm Modal: Misplaced submit buttons on mobile (@hollymvargas )
[#12386 ] Admin notifications page: Fix notifications table overflow (@yujioshiro )
[#12378 ] Instructor home page: Remove links to video tour (@anuth212 )
New Features and Enhancements
[#12509 ] Format error toasts (@domoberzin )
[#12498 ] Allow instructors to use start/end dates up to 12 months in future (@Zxun2 )
[#12463 ] Make the table buttons easier to use on mobile devices (@athakaras )
[#12500 ] Improve display for create course card header (@domoberzin )
[#12496 ] Make instructor getting started page more prominent (@singhabhyudita )
[#12427 ] Instructor view session results (course-wide): Improve accessibility of grouped responses (@athakaras )
[#12439 ] Add 'course -> copy' option to the instructor home page (@damoba)
[#12420 ] Instructor giving individual deadline extensions: give an easy way to select all those who have not submitted yet (@ellaella12 )
[#12410 ] Features page: Enlarge pictures on mobile (@damoba)
[#12396 ] Instructor view session results (course-wide): Improve display of no-response card header (@rhyses-pieces )
[#12394 ] Usage statistics and logs page: Improve date/time input on mobile (@aorlandou )
[#12384 ] Instructor edit feedback session page: missing indication for tooltip (@rai31218 )
Other Tasks
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