Link to API documentation: API Documentation
Clone the repo
git clone
Go into the project directory
cd attendance_portal
python file. It will install all the dependencies for the project in a virtual environment by the name py-env
and also install the postgresql database.
After cloning the project and installing all the dependencies, open a new terminal window and log into postgresql server
sudo -i -u postgres
Go into the postgresql shell by typing
Now create a database by the name attendance_portal
createdb attendance_portal;
You can check that you database has been created by typing \l
The database attendance_portal
will be in the list of local databases.
You can follow this link if you want to create a new user for this project to log into the postgresql server - Install and use postgresql - DigitalOcean
After setting up the database, you would need to put your password for the postgresql server which you put in during installation of postgresql in a bash file. Open a new terminal window and type
vim .my_profile
and then write
export postgres_password="Insert your postgres password here"
and execute this file with
source .my_profile
You would need to run the above command every time you restart your system to access the database
After doing all the abovementioned tiresome things, there is just one more thing to do. Migrate the database schema and create all the tables. For that, go into your project directory with virtaulenv enabled and type
python makemigrations
python migrate
You can start the server by writing the command
python runserver
You can login using any username but password should be "pass" Eg. Username: iit2016060 Password: pass