Typst Dialogue template! Quickly create snazzy conversations between one or
more characters. Chatter
Aims to be ergonomic so that you can focus on
writing. With variables for characters you can absolutely fly through
This will all be created for you with with typst init.
#import "lib.typ" : *;
#let H = "Howard Moon"
#let T = "Tony Harrison"
#say(H)[But It's a jazz Funk classic]
_The crunch happens_
#say(T)[This is an outrage]
Vim Macros and Custom snippets can make this even faster if you have the expertise so set them up, I have some in my dotfiles but working on getting more.
You can copy and paste over the template, or better yet once I get this bad boy on typst universe. You should be able to simply create a new assignement / dialog page with a command.