V3 was developed in order to be compatible with those peripherals which use both the parallel and serial signals at the same time. In fact, these cannot work with V2 due the onboard RS-232 converter making use of the serial signals. So we just removed it and now the board features an 87.5% Plus/4-compatible User Port: all signals are available on the edge connector right where they should be, except /ATTN and the 9VAC power rails. These signals can still be provided through a pin header, which was extended to cover all signals in order to also facilitate scoping and experimentation.
Note that the GAL files have NOT changed.
As usual, V3 was tested thoroughly and is fully working as expected. Be sure to read the assembly notes carefully and enjoy!
NOTE: U102 MUST BE A 74ALS654, NOT A 652 as the BOM suggests.
Released files
Note that the released gerber files are password-protected. The original reason behind my projects was to allow anyone to make their own retrocomputing accessories cheaply. Instead of this, what I achieved was actually fuelling greedy people grabbing my work, making boards for a couple of bucks and the selling them at outrageous prices ($15 for a badly-soldered OpenC64Cart that costs $2 to make is just ridiculous).
I still believe in free software and open hardware, and that is why my projects will remain as such. I am no longer providing ready-to-use gerber files, but you can still generate them from the KiCad project or ask me for the password, if you think you don't fit the above statement.
If all you want is to get boards made, I would really appreciate if you did it as explained in the Support section in order to get them cheaply while supporting the project.
Note that you are NOT allowed to use these boards commercially, but I won't care if you sell them AT COST. Let me repeat that: AT COST.