The aim of the list is to keep an overview about books proposed by Virtual Java User Group members.
Apprenticeship patterns (Dave Hooper, Adewale Oshineye)
Cracking the coding interview (Gayle Laakmann McDowell)
Software craftsman (Sandro Mancuso)
The Complete Software developers’s career guide (John Sonmez)
Clean Code (Robert C. Martin)
Computer newtorking: A top-Down approach (James Kurose, Keith Ross)
Design rules, Vol 1.: The Power of Modularity
Design Patterns (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Grady Booch)
Domain driven design (Eric Evans)
Enterprise integration patters (Gregor Hope, Bobby Woolf)
Head first Design patterns (Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra)
High performance browser networking (Ilya Grigorik)
High performance web sites (Steve Sounders)
Patterns of enterprise application architecture (Martin Fowler)
Refactoring (Martin Fowler)
Refactoring to patters (Joshua Kerievsky)
Rest in practice (Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis, Ian Robinson)
The little book of semaphores (Allen B. Downey)
Working effectively with Legacy Code (Michael Feathers)
Implementing domain driver design (Vaugh Vernon)
Accelerate software performing technology (Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humple, Gene Kim)
Agile software development, principles, patterns and practices (Robert C. Martin)
Agile testing (Lisa Crispin)
A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development (Gary Gruver, Mike Young, Pat Fulghum)
Continuous integration (Paul M. Duvall, Steve Matyas, Andrew Glover)
Continuous Delivery (Jez Humple, David Farley)
DevOps handbook (Gene Kim, Jez Humle, Patrick Debois, John Willlis, John Allspaw)
How google tests software (James A. Whittaker, Jason Arbon, Jeff Carollo)
Project pheonix (Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford)
Software Engineering (Ian Sommerville)
The art of unit testing (Roy Osherove)
The pragmatic programmer (Andrew Hunt, Davit Thomas)
Mastering Java (Michael B. White)
Effective Java 3rd edition (Joshua Bloch)
Modern Java in Action: Lambdas, streams, functional and reactive programming (Raoul-Gabriel Urma, Mario Fusco, Alan Mycroft)
Spring in Action 5th Edition (Craig Walls)
Spring Microservices in Action 1st Edition (John Carnell)
Architecture for developers (Simon Brown)
Beyond software architecture (Luke Hohmann)
Building Evolutionary architectures (Patric Kua, NealFord, Rebecca Parsons)
Clean architecture (Robert C. Martin)
Just enough software architecture (George Fairbanks, David Garlan)
Software architecture in practice (Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman)