Videos of AI playing Atari
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Gravitar_Mono Evolutionnary strategy = NSGA2, Individuals = CGP, RAM, n_offsprings = 80, n_pop = 100, r=0.1, m_output=0.6, m_nodes=0.1, C= 400, n_gen=1800, frameskip=1.
Asteroids_Mono Evolutionnary strategy = NSGA2, Individuals = CGP, RAM, n_offsprings = 80, n_pop = 100, r=0.1, m_output=0.6, m_nodes=0.1, C= 400, n_gen=1800, frameskip=1, mono-objectif.
StarGunner_Mono Evolutionnary strategy = NSGA2, Individuals = CGP, RAM, n_offsprings = 80, n_pop = 100, r=0.1, m_output=0.6, m_nodes=0.1, C= 400, n_gen=1800, frameskip=1.
SpaceInvaders_Mono Evolutionnary strategy = NSGA2, Individuals = CGP, RAM, n_offsprings = 80, n_pop = 100, r=0.1, m_output=0.6, m_nodes=0.1, C= 400, n_gen=1800, frameskip=1.