This libary is based on a fork of Kevin O'Hara's brilliant nforce library. You might want to refer to the original!
I'm maintaining the NodeRED modules for Salesforce: node-red-contrib-salesforce. The nodes needed a more recent library version and a few patches to get it to work, so I was too much tempted and forked the library.
Read it here
Evolving documentation on
- Version numbers, if provided, must be full qualified strings like
, short numbers or string are no longer accepted. These will fail42 42.0 '42' - nforce8 only works with promises, no callback support
- Subscriptions to events need the full path, option of type gets ignored
Overview documentation on changes between versions
- Promised based API
- Intelligent sObjects (inherited from nforce)
- Streaming support using Faye for any Salesforce topic including Change Data Capture
- Authentication helper methods (OAuth)
- Multi-user design with single user mode (inherited from nforce)
npm install nforce8
const nforce = require('nforce8');
const org = nforce8.createConnection({
clientId: 'CLIENT_ID_OAUTH',
clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET_OAUTH',
redirectUri: '', // could be http://localhost:3000/ instead
apiVersion: 'v45.0', // optional, defaults to current salesforce API version
environment: 'production', // optional, salesforce 'sandbox' or 'production', production default
mode: 'multi' // optional, 'single' or 'multi' user mode, multi default
// Multi-User
let oauth;
const creds = {username: '[email protected]', password: 'secretjohn'};
.then(result => oauth = result;)
.catch(/* handle failure here */);
// Single user mode
const creds = {username: '[email protected]', password: 'secretjohn'};
.then(result => console.log(org.oauth.access_token);)
.catch(/* handle failure here */);
### Use the object factory to create records
Sample based on original nforce. In single user mode the oauth argument can be omitted since it is cached in the connection object
const acc = nforce.createSObject('Account');
acc.set('Name', 'ACME Corporation');
acc.set('Phone', '800-555-2345');
acc.set('SLA__c', 'Platinum');
const payload = { sobject: acc, oauth: oauth };
.then(result => console.log(JSON.stringify(result)))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Querying and updating records is super easy. nforce wraps API-queried records in a special object. The object caches field updates that you make to the record and allows you to pass the record directly into the update method without having to scrub out the unchanged fields. In the example below, only the Name and Industry fields will be sent in the update call despite the fact that the query returned other fields such as BillingCity and CreatedDate.
const q = { query :'SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate, BillingCity FROM Account WHERE Name = "ACME Corporation" LIMIT 1'};
.then(resp => {
if (resp.records) {
const acc = resp.records[0];
acc.set('Name','ACME Coyote');
const payload = {sobject: acc, oauth: oauth};
.then(result => console.log('It worked'));
.catch(err => console.log(err));
You need to specify the full topic starting with a slash
const creds = {username: '[email protected]', password: 'secretjohn'};
.then(oauth => {
const client = org.createStreamClient();
const topic = {topic: '/data/ChangeEvents'};
const cdc = client.subscribe(topic);
cdc.on('error' err => {
console.log('subscription error');
cdc.on('data', data => console.log(data));
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Read the nforce documentation for more details