Attendance kiosk for robotics meetings. Designed for the Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen (800x480 resolution). Built with Electron and React.
Attendance data is stored locally on the device in a SQLite database. To export attendance reports, insert a USB drive and triple tap on the 694 logo. The following report types are available:
- Attendance Report - Number of meetings attended, attendance rate, number of checkouts, checkout rate, and average and total time spent at meetings for each student
- Meeting Report - Total unique checkins and checkout rate for each meeting day
- Checkin Data - Checkin/checkout times and total time spent at meeting for each student on each meeting day (basically raw swipe data grouped by student and day)
Each of these reports is filtered by the specified date range and meeting threshold. The meeting threshold is the number of unique checkins required for a given day to be considered a meeting. This prevents presumably unofficial meetings from skewing the statistics.
A student counts as having checked out on a given day if their first and last swipes on that day are more than 30 minutes apart. This is to prevent multiple checkins in quick succession but no actual checkout (e.g. if the student forgot if they already swiped in and swiped in again) from bringing down the student's average time spent at meetings.
To run the app in development mode, run:
npm start
This will start the Electron app with hot reloading enabled. Changes to the frontend (renderer process) code will take effect automatically, but changes to the main process require restarting the app.
To build an arm64
deb package for the Raspberry Pi, ensure that Docker is installed and run:
npm run build
The package for the Raspberry Pi will be written to out/make/deb/arm64/attendance-kiosk_1.0.0_arm64.deb
Install the latest Raspberry Pi OS onto a microSD card using the Raspberry Pi Imager, then insert the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi and boot. Connect to Wi-Fi.
Upgrade and install packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# Can't go without it
sudo apt-get install vim
# For debugging the SQLite database
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
Add the following to /boot/firmware/config.txt
to enable charging the real-time clock battery (if applicable):
In the Raspberry Pi Configuration, set up the following:
- Set the hostname to
- Set the locale to
- Set the timezone to
- Set the keyboard layout to
Generic 104-key PC
withEnglish (US)
- Set the Wi-Fi country to
Install the attendance kiosk package:
sudo dpkg -i attendance-kiosk_1.0.0_arm64.deb
Add the following to ~/.config/labwc/autostart
to autostart the attendance kiosk on boot, filling in the environment
variables accordingly:
SLACK_TOKEN="..." SLACK_EXPORT_USER_ID="..." MYPULSE_API_KEY="..." SENDGRID_API_KEY="..." attendance-kiosk --kiosk
Then reboot the Raspberry Pi for everything to take effect.