A web application that lets users view and leave comments on the latest news from RadioLiberty news website
Once you load the main page, you'll see the page with a table on it:
Column 1:
This column contains a plus button. Once you click this button, the program will go to RadioLiberty website, collect all text for this particular article and populate it into multiple child rows(each paragraph of text has its' own row). If you click the plus button once again, child rows will collapse back and bring you to initial page view.
Column 2:
Second column holds article title, short article text summary and a view notes button. All that information comes from MongoDB and is populated from it every time you visit '/' route.
Column 3:
This column holds the estimate time you'll spend reading this article. It's calculated based on the average amount of symbols per word(~4.79), average adult reading speed(~240wpm) and amount of symbols in this article.
Column 4:
Fourth column contains the publication date of this article
Column 4:
And finally, the 5th column holds the Save/Delete button. This button allows users save articles they like and view them on "Saved articles" page.
Scraping new articles
Navigation bar has a "Scrape new articles" button. If you press this button a modal pop-up will appear with a message about either successful or unsuccessful scraping. After you press the "Finish scraping and reload the page" button, the page will re-render with all newly scraped articles on it.
This web application was created using following technologies:
- Bootstrap
- Handlebars
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- Datatables jQuery plugin(https://datatables.net/)
- API POST/GET methods
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- Following NPM packages:
- "axios"
- "cheerio"
- "express"
- "express-handlebars"
- "mongoose"
- "path"
- Deployed to Heroku using mLab