A lightweight web server for submitting extract tasks to an OSM Express database.
Usage: ./sliceosm-api [OPTIONS] OSMX_FILE
-bind string
IP address and port to listen on
-exec string
Path to OSMX executable
-filesDir string
Result directory
-nodesLimit int
Nodes limit (default 100000000)
-sentryDsn string
Sentry DSN
curl -X POST https://slice.openstreetmap.us/api/ -d '{"Name":"none","RegionType":"geojson","RegionData":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.4571,37.5530],[-77.4571,37.5272],[-77.4133,37.5272],[-77.4133,37.5530],[-77.4571,37.5530]]]}}'
# 2637da98-20a1-428f-b6db-18ac2861b763
curl https://slice.openstreetmap.us/api/2637da98-20a1-428f-b6db-18ac2861b763
# when Complete is true, fetch the file:
curl https://slice.openstreetmap.us/files/2637da98-20a1-428f-b6db-18ac2861b763.osm.pbf -o out.osm.pbf
- the last updated timestamp
- the nodes limit for the server
- the number of jobs in the queue
Returns an PNG-encoded representation of OSM node density.
Create a task.
Examples of creating tasks: (your .osmx
database must include Richmond, Virginia)
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080 -d '{"Name":"none", "RegionType":"bbox", "RegionData":[37.5272,-77.4571,37.5530,-77.4133]}'
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080 -d '{"Name":"none","RegionType":"geojson","RegionData":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.4571,37.5530],[-77.4571,37.5272],[-77.4133,37.5272],[-77.4133,37.5530],[-77.4571,37.5530]]]}}'
- one ofbbox
: in min_lat,min_lon,max_lat,max_lon
: a GeoJSON Geometry, either a Polygon or MultiPolygon
- up to the configured nodes limit of the server.
- Limit on the number of vertices in the input polygon.
Returns a UUID or an error message.
Get a JSON Progress for a task submitted in the last 24 hours.
"CellsProg": "",
"CellsTotal": "",
"NodesProg": "",
"NodesTotal": "",
"ElemsProg": "",
These paths are not served through the API, but by a static fileserver.
Get the GeoJSON submitted for this task. Valid immediately after the task is accepted by the server.
"SanitizedName": "abcd",
Download the result osm.pbf
. This appears once the Get /{uuid}
API reports Completed
Cross-compile the sliceosm-api
ARM linux binary:
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build
Example crontab for updating an osmx database and cleaning up results older than one day:
* * * * * /bin/sleep 8 && /usr/bin/python3 /home/osmx/OSMExpress/utils/osmx-update /mnt/planet.osmx https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute/ >> /home/osmx/osmx-update.log 2>&1
0 0 * * * find /mnt/www/files/ -type f -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;