A hyper-fast local vector database for use with LLM Agents.
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- Simple interface compatible with all large language model agents.
- Highly optimized C++ backend vector store with HW accelerated operations via MKL BLAS.
- Enables users to index documents with advanced features such as ids and metadata.
Install the package from PyPI:
pip install -e git+git://github.com/SirQuackyy/hyperDB.git@master#egg=hyperdb-python
Here's an example of using HyperDB to store and query documents with information about all 151 original pokemon in an instant:
import json
from hyperdb import HyperDB
# Load documents from the JSONL file
documents = []
with open("demo/pokemon.jsonl", "r") as f:
for line in f:
# Instantiate HyperDB with the list of documents
db = HyperDB(documents, key="info.description")
# Save the HyperDB instance to a file
# Load the HyperDB instance from the save file
# Query the HyperDB instance with a text input
results = db.query("Likes to sleep.", top_k=5)
Name: Snorlax
Pokedex ID: 143
HP: 160
Type: normal
Weakness: fighting
Description: Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.
Name: Drowzee
Pokedex ID: 96
HP: 230
Type: psychic
Weakness: dark
Description: Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams.
Name: Pinsir
Pokedex ID: 127
HP: 160
Type: bug
Weakness: fire
Description: When the temperature drops at night, it sleeps on treetops or among roots where it is well hidden.
Name: Abra
Pokedex ID: 63
HP: 160
Type: psychic
Weakness: dark
Description: Sleeps 18 hours a day. If it senses danger, it will teleport itself to safety even as it sleeps.
Name: Venonat
Pokedex ID: 48
HP: 160
Type: bug
Weakness: fire
Description: Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night.
*Benchmark Credit: Benim Kıçım