The application allow to add movies , rate them, write reviews and like reviews of other users. It is a clone of Letterboxd website.
two types of users:
- user - can add movies to his/her watchlist, rate them, write reviews and like reviews of other users.
- guest - can see the movies, profiles of users, reviews and ratings.
The application is written using Spring MVC framework and Maven (for external dependency managment).
Database & configuration
- Tomcat
- Git
- Quote Movies API
- Movie API
Backend technologies
- Java
- Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Security
- Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Validator
- Project Lombok
Frontend technologies (with chatGPT)
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Clone this git repository
$ git clone
- Go to a folder
, add your Movie API key (here are instructions how to obtain it) as follows:
movie.apiKey=[YOUR KEY HERE]
- Go to a folder
, add your file as follows:
db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/[YOUR SCHEMA NAME HERE]?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC
db.username=[YOUR USERNAME HERE]
db.password=[YOUR PASSWORD HERE]
- The application will available under URL
Big picture on the database relationships.
Detailed look on user entity relationships.Some of them,
like Confirmation_email_token are specific for Spring Security confirm email and
persistent_logins for remember me functionality
Login page
Main page, after login. The quote is taken from Random Quote API.