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dtFFT - DataTyped Fast Fourier Transform

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This repository contains new library to perform FFT on a distributed memory cluster. It is written in modern Fortran and uses MPI to handle communications between processes. The main idea of this library is to implement zero-copy algorithms in 2D and 3D cases. It uses advanced MPI to create send and recieve MPI Datatypes in a such way that recieved data will be aligned in memory and ready to run 1D FFT.

Following Fortran's column-major order, consider XYZ as a three-dimensional buffer where the X index varies most quickly. dtFFT will create MPI Derived Datatypes which will produce

  • Forward transform: XYZ --> YXZ --> ZXY
  • Backward transform: ZXY --> YXZ --> XYZ

Special optimization is automatically used in 3D plan in case number of MPI processes is less then number of grid points in Z direction. In such case additional MPI datatype will be created to perform direct data transposition: XYZ --> ZXY.



  • R2C, C2C, R2R transforms are supported
  • Single and double precision
  • Fortran, C and C++ interfaces
  • 2D and 3D transposition plans
  • Slab and Pencil decompositions
  • Host and CUDA versions
  • Can be linked with multiple FFT libraries simultaneously or with no library at all. Execution library can be specified during plan creation. Currenly supported libraries are:


Basic usage of dtFFT consists of 6 steps:

  • Create and set config to dtFFT (optional)
  • Create plan
  • Obtain local sizes in "real" and "Fourier" spaces
  • Allocate memory
  • Execute plan via dtfft_execute or dtfft_transpose as many times as you want
  • Destroy plan

Plan creation


3 Derived types are available in fortran interface: dtfft_plan_c2c_t, dtfft_plan_r2c_t and dtfft_plan_r2r_t. To create plan one have to call create method. Users can provide two kinds of communicators. Without grid topology, e.g. MPI_COMM_WORLD and with created cartesian topology. dtFFT will handle both of such cases and create needed internal communicators.

Plan creation subroutines have two common arguments:

  • effort_flag - Three options are possible:
    • DTFFT_ESTIMATE - Will create plan as fast as possible.
    • DTFFT_MEASURE - Only make sense in 3D plan and MPI Communicator without attached cartesian topology. In such cases dtFFT will allocate temporal memory and run transpose routines to find the best grid decomposition.
    • DTFFT_PATIENT - most time consuming flag. It does same job as DTFFT_MEASURE plus will test different MPI Datatypes. In case of 3d plan, plan creation will take 8 times longer then passing DTFFT_MEASURE flag.
  • executor_type - this argument specifies which external library should be used to create and execute 1D FFT plans. Default value is DTFFT_EXECUTOR_NONE which means that FFTs will not be executed.


When executing plan via dtfft_execute method user must provide execute_type argument. Two options are available: DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_OUT and DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_IN. First one assumes that incoming data is aligned in X direction (fastest) and return data aligned in Z direction.

All plans, except those created without FFT support, require additional auxiliary buffer. This buffer can be passed by user to execute method. If user do not provide such buffer during the first call to execute, necessary memory will be allocated internally and deallocated when user calls destroy method.


dtfft_execute almost always overwrites buffer in. If user requires to keep original values, he should copy them somewhere else.

When executing plan dtfft_transpose method user must provide transpose_type argument. There 6 valid values that user can provide:

  • DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_X_TO_Y - Transpose from Fortran X aligned to Fortran Y aligned
  • DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_Y_TO_X - Transpose from Fortran Y aligned to Fortran X aligned
  • DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_Y_TO_Z - Transpose from Fortran Y aligned to Fortran Z aligned
  • DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_Z_TO_Y - Transpose from Fortran Z aligned to Fortran Y aligned
  • DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_X_TO_Z - Transpose from Fortran X aligned to Fortran Z aligned (only possible with 3D slab decomposition when slab distributed in Z direction)
  • DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_Z_TO_X - Transpose from Fortran Z aligned to Fortran X aligned (only possible with 3D slab decomposition when slab distributed in Z direction)

Starting from DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_Y_TO_Z plan has to be in 3D. Both DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_X_TO_Z and DTFFT_TRANSPOSE_Z_TO_X requires that Z-slab optimization is enabled. To check one should call dtfft_get_z_slab_enabled in C and plan%get_z_slab_enabled in Fortran.


dtfft_transpose behaves differently in host and CUDA library builds. In a host build buffer in remains untouched by dtFFT. CUDA version almost always (for the exception of running on a singular GPU) overwrites this buffer. If user requires to keep original values, he should copy them somewhere else.

For more detaled examples check out tests provided in tests/fortran folder.

Building library

To build this library modern (2008+) Fortran compiler is required. This library successfully builds with gfortran-7 and above, ifort-18 and above. Currenly library can only be build using CMake. List of Cmake options can be found below:

Option Possible values Default value Description
DTFFT_WITH_CUDA on / off off Build dtFFT with CUDA support. This options requires Nvidia HPC SDK compilers for both C/C++/Fortran. Make sure that nvcc compiler for correct CUDA version is in PATH
DTFFT_CUDA_CC_LIST Valid CUDA CC list 70;80;90 List of CUDA compute capabilities to build CUDA Fortran against
DTFFT_WITH_FFTW on / off off Build dtFFT with FFTW support. When enabled user need to set FFTWDIR environment variable in order to find FFTW3 located in custom directory. Both single and double precision versions of library are required
DTFFT_WITH_MKL on / off off Build dtFFT with MKL DFTI support. This option requires MKLROOT environment variable to be set
DTFFT_WITH_CUFFT on / off off Build dtFFT with cuFFT support. This option automatically enables DTFFT_WITH_CUDA
DTFFT_WITH_VKFFT on / off off Build dtFFT with VkFFT support. This options requires to set additional configuration parameter VKFFT_DIR that points to vkFFT.h. This option automatically enables DTFFT_WITH_CUDA
DTFFT_BUILD_TESTS on / off off Build tests
DTFFT_ENABLE_COVERAGE on / off off Build coverage of library. Only possible with gfortran
DTFFT_BUILD_SHARED on / off on Build shared library
DTFFT_USE_MPI on / off on Use Fortran mpi module instead of mpi_f08
DTFFT_BUILD_C_CXX_API on / off on Build C/C++ API
DTFFT_ENABLE_PERSISTENT_COMM on / off off In case you are planning to execute plan multiple times then it can be very beneficial to use persistent communications. But user must aware that such communications are created at first call to execute or transpose subroutines and pointers are saved internally inside MPI. All other plan executions will use those pointers. Take care not to free them.
DTFFT_WITH_PROFILER on / off off Enable library profiler. If DTFFT_WITH_CUDA is enabled then library will use nvtx3 library, otherwise caliper will be used and additional option may be required: caliper_DIR
DTFFT_WITH_CUSTOM_NCCL on/off off Use custom NCCL build instead of provided with HPC-SDK. Where enabled user need to set NCCL_ROOT environment variable in order to find NCCL located in custom directory.

During configuration one should set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX with desired installation prefix. dtFFT can later be used in cmake configuration with following commands:

add_executable(my_prog my_prog.c)
target_link_libraries(my_prog PRIVATE dtfft)

Provided cmake target will add include directories and link all libraries. Make sure to point CMake to the desired dtFFT installation with dtfft_DIR when configuring the target program:

cmake -Ddtfft_DIR=<dtfft-installation-dir>/lib[64]/cmake/dtfft ..

Besides target dtfft cmake installation provides additional variables:


Useful runtime environment variables

Name Possible values Default value Description
DTFFT_ENABLE_LOG 0 / 1 0 Make dtFFT write useful info
DTFFT_MEASURE_WARMUP_ITERS non negative integer 2 Number of warmup iterations to run before plan testing when passing DTFFT_MEASURE or DTFFT_PATIENT to effort_flag parameter during plan creation
DTFFT_MEASURE_ITERS positive integer 5 Number of iterations to run in order to find best plan when passing DTFFT_MEASURE or DTFFT_PATIENT to effort_flag parameter during plan creation
DTFFT_FORWARD_X_Y 1 / 2 2 Default id of transposition plan for X -> Y transpose which will be used if plan created with DTFFT_ESTIMATE and DTFFT_MEASURE effort_flags
DTFFT_BACKWARD_X_Y 1 / 2 2 Default id of transposition plan for Y -> X transpose which will be used if plan created with DTFFT_ESTIMATE and DTFFT_MEASURE effort_flags
DTFFT_FORWARD_Y_Z 1 / 2 2 Default id of transposition plan for Y -> Z transpose which will be used if plan created with DTFFT_ESTIMATE and DTFFT_MEASURE effort_flags
DTFFT_BACKWARD_Y_Z 1 / 2 2 Default id of transposition plan for Z -> Y transpose which will be used if plan created with DTFFT_ESTIMATE and DTFFT_MEASURE effort_flags
DTFFT_FORWARD_X_Z 1 / 2 2 Default id of transposition plan for X -> Z transpose which will be used if plan created with DTFFT_ESTIMATE and DTFFT_MEASURE effort_flags in case Z-slab optimization is used
DTFFT_BACKWARD_X_Z 1 / 2 2 Default id of transposition plan for Z -> Y transpose which will be used if plan created with DTFFT_ESTIMATE and DTFFT_MEASURE effort_flags in case Z-slab optimization is used

Notes for C/C++ users

dtFFT provides headers for both C and C++. Simply

// C header
#include <dtfft.h>
// C++ header
#include <dtfft.hpp>

Since C arrays are stored in row-major order which is opposite to Fortran column-major when creating the plan, user should pass the dimensions of the array to the planner in reverse order. For example, if your array is a rank three N x M x L matrix in row-major order, you should pass the dimensions of the array as if it were an L x M x N matrix. Also if you are using R2R transform and wish to perform different transform kinds on different dimensions then buffer kinds should also be reversed. Same goes for MPI Communicators with attached cartesian topology.

Examples are provided in tests/c folder.

Next Steps

  • Support effort_flag optional argument.
  • Support more 1D FFT executors. ESSL, FFTPACK?
    • Added VkFFT and CUFFT
  • Use different tools to build project: autotools, CMake?
    • Cmake is only build system supported
  • Add more interfaces: C++, Python?
    • C++ was added
  • Add GPU Support
  • Optimize CUDA NVRTC kernels
  • Add support for nvshmem
  • Add support for custom NCCL installation
  • Create documentation web page


You can help this project by reporting problems, suggestions, localizing it or contributing to the code. Go to issue tracker and check if your problem/suggestion is already reported. If not, create a new issue with a descriptive title and detail your suggestion or steps to reproduce the problem.


The source code is licensed under GPL v3. License is available here.