Somewhere between an online travel scrapbook and social media. Store your best moments.
Store all of your memories on convenient and aesthetic location.
Interactive visual of the places you've been. Map using google maps API.
Post your photos with all the neccessary metadata. Upload functionality uses Cloudinary API.
- Crop your photos
- When did you go on this adventure?
- Tag a location so it can be captured on the map!
You can also add a description for each of your photo and your trip overall! Here's what the final peice would look together on the profile and map page when the post is clicked on!
Everytime you post a trip, confetti displays!
- Express
- Sequelize
- PostgreSQL
- React
- Bootstrap 4.x
For local development you will need two terminals open, one for the api-backend and another for the react-client.
# terminal 1 for the api-backend
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run dev
# terminal 2 for react-client
cd client
npm install
npm start
- api-backend will launch at: http://localhost:8080
- react-client will launch at: http://localhost:3000